New Castle County, Delaware

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901 Mt. Lebanon Rd.
Academy of Newark
Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company Fire Station No. 2
Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company, Fire Station No. 1
Aiken's Tavern Historic District
Air Service, Inc. Hangar at Bellanca Airfield
Allen, Charles, House
American Vulcanized Fibre Company-Wilmington Plant
Amstel House
Anderson House
Appoquinimink Friends Meetinghouse
Armor, James, House
Armstrong Lodge No. 26, A. F. & A. M.
Armstrong, A., Farm
Armstrong-Walker House
Ashland Bridge
Ashton Historic District
Auburn Mills Historic District
Augustine Beach Hotel
Augustine Paper Mill
Baily House
Bancroft and Sons Cotton Mills
Bank of Newark Building
Bartley-Tweed Farm
Baynard Boulevard Historic District
Bell Farmhouse
Bellevue Range Rear Light Station
Belmont Hall
Biddle House
Biggs, Gov. Benjamin T., Farm
Blue Hen Farm
Brandywine Manufacturers Sunday School
Brandywine Park
Brandywine Park and Kentmere Parkway (Boundary Increase)
Brandywine Powder Mills District
Brandywine Village Historic District
Brandywine Village Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Braunstein's Building
Breck's Mill Area
Breck's Mill Area-Henry Clay Village Historic District (Boundary Decrease)
Breck's Mill Area-Henry Clay Village Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Brindley Farm
Brook Ramble
Broom, Jacob, House
Brown, Dr. John A., House
Budovitch, Florence and Isaac, House
Buena Vista
Building at 140 W. Main Street
Building at 28-34 1/2 Academy Street
Building at 34 Choate Street
Carney, John, Agricultural Complex
Carpenter-Lippincott House
Carswell, Stuart Randall & Pricilla Kellogg, House
Casperson, W., House
Center Meeting and Schoolhouse
Centreville Historic District
Chambers House
Chambers House
Chandler, Joseph, House
Christiana Historic District
Church Street Historic District
Clearfield Farm
Cleaver House
Cloud, Abner, House
Cloud-Reese House
Cochran Grange
Coffee Run Mission Site
Collison House
Continental Army Encampment Site
Cooch's Bridge Historic District
Cooch's Bridge Historic District (Boundary Decrease)
Cool Spring Park Historic District
Cool Spring Park Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Corbit-Sharp House
Correll's Farm and Lawn Supply
Cox-Phillips-Mitchell Agricultural Complex
Crosby and Hill Building
Curtis Mansion
Curtis Paper Mill Workers' Houses
Darley House
Dean, Joseph, & Son Woolen Mill
Deer Park Farm
Deer Park Hotel
Delaware Academy of Medicine
Delaware Avenue Historic District
Delaware Avenue Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Delaware City Historic District
Delaware Trust Building
Delmarva Power and Light Building
Dilworth House
Dingee, Jacob, House
Dingee, Obadiah, House
Dixon, S. P., Farm
Downtown Wilmington Commercial Historic District
Dragon Run Farm
Dupont, P. S., High School
East Brandywine Historic District
Eastburn, Davis, Farm
Eastburn, J., Barn
Eastburn-Jeanes Lime Kilns Historic District
Eastern Lock of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
Eighth Street Park Historic District
Eighth Street Park Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Eleutherian Mills
Eliason, A., House
Elm Grange
England House and Mill
Evans, George, House
Evans, John, House
Exchange Building
Fell Historic District
Ferguson, Robert, House
Ferris, Zachariah, House
Fields Heirs
Fisher, Andrew, House
Fleming House
Foord & Massey Furniture Company Building
Fort Christina
Fort Delaware on Pea Patch Island
Fort Dupont Historic District
Friends Meetinghouse
Galloway-Walker House
Garrett Snuff Mill
Garrett Snuff Mills Historic District
George Read II House
Glebe House
Gordon, J. M., House
Govatos'/McVey Building
Grace United Methodist Church
Graham, Robert, House
Granite Mansion
Grantham-Edwards-McComb House
Graves Mill Historic District
Gray, Charles, Printing Shop
Green Mansion
Green Meadow
Greenbank Historic Area
Greenbank Historic Area (Boundary Increase)
Grose, Robert, House
Hale-Byrnes House
Hanson, B. F., House
Harlan and Hollingsworth Office Building
Hart House
Hazel Glen
Head of Christiana United Presbyterian Church
Hermitage, The
Hersey-Duncan House
Hickman Blacksmith Shop and House
Hickman Row
Higgins, S., Farm
Hill Island Farm
Hockessin Friends Meetinghouse
Holladay-Harrington House
Holly Oak
Holton, S., Farm
Holy Trinity
Homestead Hall
Howard High School
Huguenot House
Idalia Manor
Iron Hill School No. 112C
Ivyside Farm
Jackson-Wilson House
Johnson Home Farm
Johnson, William Julius "Judy" House
Johnson-Morris House
Justis, Thomas, House
Justis-Jones House
Keil, Max, Building
Keil, Max, Building
Kerr, Andrew, House
Killgore Hall
Killgore, Joseph, House
Kingswood Methodist Episcopal Church
La Grange
Lesley-Travers Mansion
Lewden, John, House
Liedlich, Charles and Edith, House
Linden Hill
Lindsay, J., Barn
Lindsey, Samuel, House
Liston House
Liston Range Front Lighthouse
Liston Range Rear Light Station
Lobdell Estate, Minquadale Home
Logan House
Lombardy Hall
Lore, Charles B., Elementary School
Lower Louviers and Chicken Alley
Lower Market Street Historic District
Lower Market Street Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Lum's Mill House
MacDonough, Comdr. Thomas, House
Main Office of the New Castle Leather Company
Maple Grove Farm
Marcus Hook Range Rear Light
Marshallton United Methodist Church
Mason, J., Farm
Masonic Hall and Grand Theater
McCormack, J., Farm
McCoy House
McDaniel, J., Farm
McIntyre, J., Farm
McLane, Louis, House
McWhorter House
Meeteer House
Memorial Hall
Mermaid Tavern
Meteer Store House
Middletown Academy
Middletown Historic District
Mill Creek Friends Meetinghouse
Misty Vale
Mondamon Farm
Montchanin Historic District
Montgomery House
Morgan, William, Farm
Morrow, James, House
Mount Cuba
Mount Cuba Historic District
Mount Lebanon Methodist Episcopal Church
Mount Pleasant
Mount Pleasant Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsonage
Mt. Airy School No. 27
Naaman's Creek School
Naudain, Arnold S., House
Nelson, John B., House
New Castle and Frenchtown Railroad Right-of-Way
New Castle County Court House
New Castle Historic District
New Castle Historic District
New Castle Ice Piers
New Castle Leather Raw Stock Warehouse
New Century Club
Newark Opera House
Newark Passenger Station
Newark Union Church and Cemetery
Newport National Bank
Newport Railroad Station
North Saint Georges Historic District
Odessa Historic District
Odessa Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Old Asbury Methodist Church
Old Brick Store
Old Cann Mansion House
Old College Historic District
Old Customshouse
Old Drawyers Church
Old First Presbyterian Church
Old First Presbyterian Church of Wilmington
Old Ford Dairy
Old Ford Dairy (Boundary Increase)
Old Fort Church
Old Newark Comprehensive School
Old Post Ofice
Old St. Anne's Church
Old St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church
Old Town Hall
Old Town Hall Commercial Historic District
Old Union Methodist Church
Ott's Chapel
Owl's Nest Country Place
Parker's Dairy Palace
Penn Farm of the Trustees of the New Castle Common
Pharo House
Philips-Thompson Buildings
Phillips, Thomas, Mill Complex
Pierson, T., Farm
Point Farm
Poplar Hall
Port Penn Historic District
Postles House
Public School No. 111-C
Public School No. 19
Public School No. 29
Pyle, Howard, Studios
Pyle, Joshua, House and Wagon Barn
Quaker Hill Historic District
Quaker Hill Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Reading, Philip, Tannery
Red Clay Creek Presbyterian Church
Reedy Island Range Rear Light
Retirement Farm
Reynold's Candy Company Building
Rhodes Pharmacy
Riverview Cemetery Company of Wilmington, Delaware
Robinson House
Rockford Park
Rockland Historic District
Rodney Court
Rodney Square Historic District
Rotheram Mill House
Rumsey Farm
Savin-Wilson House
Schagrin, Charles, Building
Schoonover, Frank E., Studios
Shallcross, Sereck, House
Shipley Run Historic District
Springer Farm
Springer, Charles, Tavern
Springer-Cranston House
St, Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church
St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church
St. Georges Cemetery Caretaker's House
St. Georges Presbyterian Church
St. Hedwig's Roman Catholic Church
St. James Church
St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church
St. Joseph's Catholic Church
St. Joseph's Church
St. Joseph's on the Brandywine
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church
St. Mary's School
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Starl House
Starr House
State Theater
Steel, James, House
Stewart, James, House
Stewart, James, Jr., House
Stinson, J., Farm
Strand Millas and Rock Spring
Sutton House
Talley, William, House
Tatnall, Joseph, House
Taylor's Bridge School
Thomas, David W., House
Torbert Street Livery Stables
Townsend Historic District
Townsend, Henry, Building
Trinity Episcopal Church
U.S. Post Office, Courthouse, and Customhouse
Vail, A. M., House
Vandegrift, J., House
Vandyke-Heath House
Vansant, John C., House
Vernacular Frame House
Village of Arden
Walker's Mill and Walker's Bank
Walker, J., Farm
Walker, R., Barn
Walnut Green School
Walnut Lane
Water Witch Steam Fire Engine Company No. 5
Wawaset Park Historic District
Weldin, Lewis, House
Welsh Tract Baptist Church
Wesley M.E. Church
West 9th Street Commercial Historic District
White Clay Creek Presbyterian Church
White Hall
Williams House
Williams, J. K., House
Wilmington Amtrak Station
Wilmington and Western Railroad
Wilmington Club
Wilmington Rail Viaduct
Wilmington Savings Fund Society
Wilmington Trust Company Bank
Wilmington YMCA
Wilson, Edward R., House
Winterthur Museum and Gardens
Woman's Club of Newport
Wooddale Bridge
Wooddale Historic District
Woodward Houses
Woolworth, F. W., Company Building
Wright House
Young, William, House
1313 Delaware Avenue
1315 Delaware Avenue
A Citys Growing Demand for Water
A French Legion Kept Watch Here
A Pathway through the Past
Abraham Shadd Family
Address by President Abraham Lincoln
African American Medal of Honor Recipients Memorial
Aiken's Tavern Historic District
Albert Gallatin Lewis
Alexis I. duPont Middle School
Allegheny Pachysandra
Alumni Hall
American Position
Andean Condor
Annie Jump Cannon (1863-1941)
Appoquinimink Friends Meeting House
Arrowwood Viburnum
Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church
Ashland Bridge
Ashley Mansion
Barred Rock
Bath House
Batteries Hentig and Dodd
Battle of Cooch's Bridge
Bayard Plot
Beatrice Hartshorn (1897-1972)
Bethel A.M.E. Church
Bill McGowan
Bird's Eye View
Bishop Alfred Lee
Black and White Ruffed Lemur
Blackbird School (District No. 69)
Blue Rock Community Club
Booker T. Washington School No. 109C
Boswell Square
Brandywine Springs
Brandywine Village
Brandywine Village and the Road to Yorktown
Brinckle Family
British Position
Broad Dyke
Brown v. Board of Education
Buena Vista
Building the C&D Canal
Burr Family Vault
Burrowing Owl
Burton V. Wilmington Parking Authority
Buttonwood School
Caesar Rodney Monument
Camp Brandywine
Camp DuPont
Canary-Naudine House & Store
Captain John Evans
Chair of Honor
Charles Springer
Chester-Bethel United Methodist Church
Chester-Bethel United Methodist Church Veterans Memorial
Chippey African Union Methodist Church
Choptank Upon-the-Hill
Christ Episcopal Church
Christiana Presbyterian Church
Christiana Public School #111-C
Christiana United Methodist Church
Christiern and Maria Brynberg
Christopher Columbus
Church of the Ascension
City of Delaware City Veteran's Point
Claymont Stone School
Clearfield Farm
Clifford Brown
Coastal Defense Forts
Collins-Blackburn Memorial Building
Commanding Officer Quarters
Commodore Thomas Macdonough
Commodore's House
Constructed by First Engineers
Cool Spring Park
Cox-Phillips-Mitchell Agricultural Complex
Crane Hook Church
Crossing the Delaware
Daniel S. Frawley Stadium
Deer Park Hotel
Delaware & New Jersey WWII Submariners Memorial
Delaware - Desert Shield / Desert Storm Memorial
Delaware Blue Hen
Delaware Chemical Engineering Company
Delaware Children's Theatre
Delaware City Fire Company
Delaware City Fire Company
Delaware City School No. 118C
Delaware Medal of Honor Recipients and Those Who Died in Service Memorial Cenotaph
Delaware Memorial Bridge
Delaware Military Academy
Delaware Militia
Delaware Militia
Delaware River and Bay Authority Veterans Dedication
Delaware River and Bay Authority Vietnam Memorial
Delaware Stadium Corporation
Delaware Street Wharf Reconstruction
Delaware: Trading with the world
Delaware's Field of Valor
Delaware's Independence Hall
Delaware's Jewish Community
Domestication Origins
Dorothy P. Miller: Champion of Preservation
Dr. Joseph Capelle
Dr. Walter J. Hullihen (1875-1944)
Duncan Beard
duPont Carillon Tower
E. A. Trabant University Center
Eagle Roll Mills
East Terrace
East Wall Letters
Eastburn-Jeanes Mining Complex
Ebenezer United Methodist Church
Ebright Azimuth
Edward's Playhouse
Elizabeth Montgomery
Elliott Hall
Emalea Pusey Warner (1853-1948)
Enjoy the Pencader Area Today
Exploring the Past of Pencader Hundred
Ezion-Mount Carmel United Methodist Church
Fairfax, Delaware
Fells Mill Historic District
First African-American Schoolhouse In Hockessin
First Flight of the Delaplane
First Presbyterian Church
Fishing, Hunting & Trapping
Five Points Civil Association Fire Squad Bell
Floated Across The River
Floating Cabins and Skinning Shacks
Forest Presbyterian Church
Former Site of the Alston and Hunn Farms
Former Site of the Delcastle Prison Farm
Fort Casimir
Fort Casimir: Key to the Early Delaware Valley
Fort Christina
Fort Christina Monument
Fort Christina National Historic Landmark
Fort DuPont
Forty Acres
Frank E. Schoonover Studios
Frank Furness Railroad District
Freedom Lost
French General Comte de Rochambeau and the French Army Memorial
Frenchtown Railroad Sleepers
Fruit Cellar
Gardener's Cottage
Gardens and Landscape
Garesche, Bauduy, Deschappelle Families
General Casimir Pulaski
General Thomas Holcomb
George Abram Harter (1853-1943)
George Evans House
George Gillespie Evans (1815-1904)
George Read
George Read
George Read Memorial
Germans & German-Americans in The American War of Independence
Golden Lion Tamarin / The Amazon River and Rainforest / White-faced Saki
Grace Episcopal Church
Graffiti Doors
Grand Lodge of Delaware A.F.&A.M.
Gravesite of Bishop Peter Spencer (1779-1843) and His Devoted Wife, Annes
Greenbank Mill
Grubb / Worth Mansion
Grubb Family Burying Ground
Gun Embrasure
Gunning Bedford House
Gunning Bedford, Jr.
H. Fletcher Brown: The Man and the Vocational School
Hale-Byrnes House
Harriet Tubman
Harry Fletcher Brown (1867-1944)
Harry Fletcher Brown (1867-1944)
Head of Christiana Presbyterian Church
Hendrickson House
Henry Clay Village
Hercules "Type A" Turbine Water Wheel
Heronry on Pea Patch Island
Hessian Soldiers Memorial
Hickman Row
Hiram Lodge No. 25
Historic Delaware City
Historic Iron Ore Mining
Historic Iron Ore Mining
Historic Iron Ore Mining
Historic Museum
Historic Shipyards
Historic Shipyards
Hockessin Friends Meetinghouse
Hockessin School #107C
Holy Trinity Church
Home of George Read
How a Steam Locomotive Works
How old is this tree?
Howard High School
Hugh Martin Morris (1878-1966)
Hugh Rodney Sharp (1880-1968)
Hugh Rodney Sharp (1880-1968)
In Honor of All Veterans
In Honor of All Veterans
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memory of John Hendrickson, Sr.
In Memory of Philip and Lydia Laird
In Memory of W. Emerson Wilson
In the Beginning ...
Iron Hill
Iron Hill
Iron Hill School #112-C
Iron Hill School #112-C
Iron Hill School #112C
Iron Letters on the Church
James Henry "Nip" Winters
Jastak-Burgess Hall
Jewish Veterans Memorial
John A. Munroe ('36 B.A., '41 M.A.)
John A. Perkins Student Center
John Dickinson
John Lewden House
John McKinly
Joseph Tatnall House
Judge Ignatius C. Grubb
Judge Morris Estate
Kalmar Nyckel
Kalmar Nyckel Monument
Kent Hall
Kentmere Parkway
Kitchen Garden
Knotty Pine Restaurant
Korean War Memorial
Korean War Memorial
Korean War Veterans Memorial
Kosciuszko Park
Lammot du Pont Laboratory
Landing of the Swedes
Landing Place of William Penn
Last Mustering of The Delaware Continentals
Laurel Hall
Leah Roedel: First Lady of Parks
Lincoln's Speech
Locust Grove
Lombardy Hall
Looking Back
Looking Back
Looking Back
Looking Back
Looking Back
Looking Back
Lorraine Fleming
Louis L. Redding City County Building
Louis L. Redding Comprehensive High School
Lynn W. Williams - Pioneer of Preservation
Maj. Gen. James H. Wilson
Major Peter Jaquett
Market Square
Marquis de Lafayette
Marquis de Lafayette
Mary Porter Darrach House
Mary Stewart-Cox House
Mary Vining
Mary Wansey
Mason Dixon Line & the Boundaries of Delaware
Mason Dixon Line & the Boundaries of Delaware
Mayor John E. Babiarz Park
McDonough Burial Ground
McMullin House
Mechanical Hall
Meeteer House
Meeting House 1816
Memorial Day Parade and Soldiers and Sailors Monument
Memorial Hall
Memories of Fox Point
Mentors' Circle
Michael S. Purzycki Riverwalk
Middletown Academy
Middletown World War I Memorial
Midshipman John Stockton, United States Navy
Milling in Pencader Hundred
Mother Catherine Rosarii
Mother Union American Methodist Episcopal Church
Mount Lebanon United Methodist Church
Mount Olive Cemetery
Mount Pleasant Methodist Episcopal (ME) Church and Parsonage
Mount Pleasant School
Mount Salem U.M. Church
Mount Salem United Methodist Church
Mt. Zion Union American Methodist Episcopal (UAME) Church
Natural history of the Delaware Estuary
New Castle and Frenchtown Railroad
New Castle and Frenchtown Railroad
New Castle Common
New Castle County Vietnam Memorial
New Castle Court House 1732
New Castle Hall
New Castle Harbor
New Castle United Methodist Church
New Century Club
New London Avenue School
New London Road Community
Newark Academy
Newark Passenger Railroad Station
Newark United Methodist Church
Newark's New London Community
North Memories of Brandywine Park
North Porticos
O. Webb Double House
Of Rural New Castle County
Officers Row
Old Claymont High School
Old College
Old Delaware City Public School
Old Drawyers Presbyterian Church
Old Farmers Bank
Old Fort Union American Methodist Episcopal Church
Old Mill Stone
Old Soldiers' Park
Old St. Anne's
Old St. Paul's Church
Old Swedes Church
Old Swedes' Church
Old Town Hall
Old Union Methodist Church
Old Welsh Tract Church
Oliver Evans (1755-1819)
One Love Park
Oriental Lodge #12, I.O.O.F.
Original Site of the White Clay Creek Presbyterian Church
Packet Alley
Parade Grounds
Pea Patch Island
Pencader Heritage Museum
Pencader Presbyterian Church
Peniel United Methodist Church
Penn Farm
Pennington Bridge
Penn's Place
Pierre Samuel du Pont (1870-1954)
Pierre Samuel DuPont de Nemours Memorial
Poplar Hall
Port Penn Front Range Light
Port Penn Presbyterian Church
Port Penn Schoolhouse
Post Exchange
Post Headquarters
POW/MIA Chair of Honor
Power Station
Presbyterian Church
Preserving the History of the Battlefield
Pride of Delaware Lodge #349 IBPOEW
Professor Theodore Wolf (1850-1909)
Purple Heart Trail in Delaware
R.T. Foard and Jones Funeral Home
Radiated Tortoise
Raub Hall
Read House & Gardens
Recitation Hall
Recitation Hall Annex
Red Panda
Red Panda Conservation
Reflecting Pool
Rev. Dr. Francis Alison (1705-1779)
Revolutionary War Patriots in the Immanuel Churchyard
Revolutionary War Patriots in the Old Swedes Churchyard
Richard Bassett
Richardson Mill
Riverview Cemetery
Robert Kirkwood, Jr.
Robert W. Gore, B.ChE., 1959
Robinson House
Rockford Tower
Rockland Mill Village
Rockwood Mansion
Rodney Square
Russell W. Peterson
Russell W. Peterson Urban Wildlife Refuge
Sailing on the C&D Canal
Saint Joseph Church
Saint Joseph on the Brandywine Church
Salem United Methodist Church
Salesianum School
Sally Port
Samuel Carpenter House
Samuel Chiles Mitchell (1864-1948)
Samuel Francis Du Pont
Samuel Kershaw House
Samuel Patterson
Samuel Rodmond Smith
School Bell
Scott AME Zion Church
Scott Church
Sgt. James P. Connor Memorial Circle
Sgt. James P. Connor Memorial Circle
Sgt. William Lloyd Nelson
Shelby Collins House
Sheriff's House and County Jail
Shiloh Baptist Church
Site of Bellanca Airfield
Site of DuPont Airfield
Site of Fort Casimir
Site of Gilpin Mills
Site of Harper Carey Store
Site of Margaret Darrach House
Site of Old Cathedral Cemetery
Site of Tilton General Hospital
Small But Mighty
Smith's Bridge
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial
Soldiers and Sailors Monument
South Market Street Bridge
South Market Street Bridge Dedicated in Honor of Senator John E. Reilly, Sr.
South Portico
South Wilmington
Spencer Plaza rain gardens are working to keep Wilmington's waterways clear!
Squire Hall
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Hedwig's R.C. Church
St. John African Methodist Church
St. John the Baptist Church
St. John The Evangelist Church
St. John's Lodge No. 2
St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's Church
St. Michael's Day Nursery
Steamboats & Ferries
Stidham Family
Suffrage Rally
Sussex Hall
Swedes Landing Trail
Talbot's Fort
Taylor's Bridge School
The Ashton Tract
The Battle of Cooch's Bridge
The Battle of Coochs Bridge
The Big Quarterly
The Blue Ball Barn
The Blue Ball Milk House
The Cannery Lot
The Cauffiel House and Estate
The Chambers House
The Cleaver House
The Collins Park Bombings
The Colonists
The Community of Dunleith
The Congregation of Crane Hook Church Built Holy Trinity Church 1698-1699
The Daniel Nichols House
The Darley House
The Delaware Continentals
The Diamonds Walkway
The Diving Bell
The First House Constructed by Guido DeAscanis in 1932
The Great Railroad Boom
The Great Railroad Boom
The Great Railroad Boom
The Green or Market Plaine
The Guardian of Defenders Memorial
The History of Rockland Village
The Home of William Julius "Judy" Johnson
The Hubbs House
The Hundreds of Delaware
The Hundreds of Delaware
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Track Trail
The Industries of Newark
The John Barbour Preserve
The Judge Morris Estate
The Lock at Delaware City
The Lodge
The Lynching of George White
The Magnolia Circle
The March Through Pencader
The Monday Club
The Monument
The New World
The Old Library
The Park
The Philadelphia Campaign
The River Road
The Roselle Grove
The Royal Deux-Ponts Memorial
The Starr House
The Stewart House
The Tatman Office
The Tilton Mansion
The Tubman-Garrett Riverfront Park
The Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad
The Vandever's
The Visitors Center
The Wedge
The Welcome Society of Pennsylvania
The William Montgomery House
The "Annie Oakleys": First Female Prison Guards in the United States
The "Pink" Murphy House
This Tree Was Living When William Penn Came to Pennsylvania
Thomas Cleaver House
Thomas Francis Bayard
Thomas Garrett
Thomas Price House
Three Welsh Members
Tilton Park
Timeline of the Delaware River
Townsend World War II Honor Roll
Tweed's Tavern
Union Lodge No. 5 A.F.&A.M.
University of Delaware
University of Delaware
Van Dyke House
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Veterans Memorial
Vic Willis
Vic Willis
Vietnam War Memorial
Village of Arden
Village of Christiana
Village of Montchanin
Village of Port Penn
Visitor Center
Votes for Women
Votes for Women
Votes for Women
W.H. Miller House
W.H. Miller Rental Property
Walnut Street YMCA
Washington Street Bridge
Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route
Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route
Washington's Reconnaissance
Waterfront at Delaware City
Wawaset Park
Webb-Jefferson House
Welcome to Fox Point State Park
Welsh Tract
Welsh Tract
Wetland Ways
What Is This?
Wilbur Owen Sypherd (1877-1955)
Wild-Cleaver House
William Julius "Judy" Johnson
William Marriott Canby Memorial
William Penn
William Poole Bancroft Memorial
William "Judy" Johnson Park
Willingtown Square
Wilmington & Western Railroad
Wilmington Friends Meeting
Wilmington Friends School
Wilmington Historic Trail
Wilmington Veterans Memorial
Wings of Thought
Winifred J. Robinson (1867-1962)
Witherspoon Tavern
Women's Suffrage Parade
Wooddale Bridge
Woodlawn Trustees, Inc. / William Poole Bancroft
World War II
World War II
Wounded Combat Veterans Memorial
WWII Memorial
Yoshino Cherry
Your Gateway to Pencader Heritage
"K. C." and "B. C." Stones
"M. B." Stone
"Old Fire Bell"
"Sign of the Ship" Tavern
In the 18th century, New Castle County played a significant role in the American Revolution. It was home to several key figures, including Caesar Rodney, who famously rode from Delaware to Philadelphia to cast the deciding vote for American independence. The area was also a critical shipping and trading port, attracting merchants and businessmen from all over the region.
As the 19th century dawned, New Castle County transitioned from an agrarian society to an industrial hub. The growth of the county was fueled by the construction of canals and railroads, which brought prosperity and commerce to the area. Industries such as textiles, paper, and shipbuilding thrived during this time, attracting a wave of immigrants who found work and settled in the county.
In the 20th century, New Castle County experienced rapid urbanization and suburbanization. Wilmington, the county seat, grew into a major financial and corporate center, with the presence of large banking and chemical industries. The county also saw significant population growth, as people moved from rural areas to live closer to employment opportunities. In recent decades, New Castle County has focused on attracting high-tech industries and promoting economic development while preserving its historical landmarks and natural beauty.
Brief timeline of the history of New Castle County, Delaware:
- New Castle County is founded by Dutch colonists and named after the city of Nieuw-Amstel, which later becomes New Castle, in 1664.
- In 1682, New Castle County becomes part of the newly formed British colony of Delaware.
- During the American Revolutionary War, New Castle County sees military action, including the Battle of Cooch's Bridge in 1777.
- In 1801, the state capital is moved from New Castle to Dover, but New Castle County remains an important economic and cultural center.
- The Industrial Revolution leads to the growth of manufacturing and industry in New Castle County in the 19th century.
- In the early 20th century, New Castle County experiences rapid urbanization and population growth.
- During World War II, New Castle County becomes a military hub with the construction of the New Castle Army Air Base.
- After the war, New Castle County continues to grow and develop, becoming a major center for banking, finance, and healthcare.
This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of New Castle County, Delaware.