National Register Listings in Hartford County, Connecticut
Academy Hall
Allen Place-Lincoln Street Historic District
Allen's Cider Mill
Allyn, Capt. Benjamin, II, House
Ambassador Apartments
Andrews, Luman, House
Ann Street Historic District
Apartment at 49-51 Spring Street
Asylum Avenue District
Atwater Manufacturing Company
Austin, A. Everett, House
Avon Congregational Church
B.P.O. Elks Lodge
Babb's Beach
Barber, Giles, House
Barbour, Lucius, House
Barlow, Boce W., Jr., House
Barnard, Henry, House
Barnes, Selah, House
Barnes-Frost House
Batterson Block
Beach, Charles E., House
Beardsley-Mix House
Belden, Horace, School and Central Grammar School
Beleden House
Bemont, Makens, House
Beth Hamedrash Hagodol Synagogue
Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Mills
Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Mills Historic District
Bingham, Clarence A., School
Bissell Tavern-Bissell's Stage House
Blakeslee Forging Company
Brace, Moses-Uriah Cadwell House
Bradley, Icabod, House
Brewer, Selden, House
Bridge No. 455
Bristol Girls' Club
Bristol High School
Broad Brook Company
Broad Street Green Historic District
Brown Tavern
Buckingham Square District
Buckingham Square Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Building at 136-138 Collins Street
Building at 142 Collins Street
Building at 83-85 Sigourney Street
Bulkeley Bridge
Bull, Amos, House
Burnham, Edward L., Farm
Burritt Hotel
Burwell, Ernest R., House
Bushnell Park
Butler, James, House
Butler, Roger, House
Butler-McCook Homestead
Buttolph-Williams House
Canton Center Historic District
Canty, Marietta, House
Capen-Clark Historic District
Capewell Horse Nail Company
Case Brothers Historic District
Case, Benomi, House
Cedar Hill Cemetery
Center Burying Yard, Old
Central Avenue-Center Cemetery Historic District
Chaffee, Hezekiah, House
Chapman, Taylor, House
Charter Oak Bank Building
Charter Oak Place
Charter Oak Place (Boundary Increase)
Cheney Brothers Historic District
Cheney Building
Chevry Lomday Mishnayes Synagogue
Children's Village of the Hartford Orphan Asylum
Christ Church
Church of the Good Shepherd and Parish House
City Hall-Monument District
Clark Brothers Factory No. 1
Clark Brothers Factory No. 2
Clark, Avery, House
Clay Hill Historic District
Clay Hill Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Collins and Townley Streets District
Collinsville Historic District
Colt Industrial District
Colt Industrial District (Boundary Increase)
Colt, James B., House
Colton, Benjamin, House
Commercial Trust Company Building
Commercial Trust Company Building
Congregational Church of Plainville
Congress Street
Congress Street Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Headquarters
Connecticut State Capitol
Connecticut State Library and Supreme Court Building
Connecticut Statehouse
Copper Ledges and Chimney Crest
Cossitt, Frederick H., Library
Coult, Abraham, House
Cowles, Capt. Josiah, House
Cowles, Gen. George, House
Curtisville Historic District
Darling, Robert and Julia, House
Day House
Day, Calvin, House
Day-Taylor House
Deane, Silas, House
Department Store Historic District
Dillon Building
Downtown Main Street Historic District
Downtown North Historic District
Drake Hill Road Bridge
East Granby Historic District
East Weatogue Historic District
East Windsor Academy
East Windsor Hill Historic District
Elizabeth Park
Ellsworth, Horace H., House
Ellsworth, Oliver, Homestead
Elm Street Historic District
Elm Street Historic District
Elmore Houses
Endee Manor Historic District
Enfield Canal
Enfield Historic District
Enfield Shakers Historic District
Enfield Town Meetinghouse
Engine Company 1 Fire Station
Engine Company 15 Fire Station
Engine Company 16 Fire Station
Engine Company 2 Fire Station
Engine Company 6 Fire Station
Engine Company 9 Fire Station
Eno Memorial Hall
Eno, Amos, House
Erwin Home for Worthy and Indigent Women
Evans, Ebenezer, House
Fairfield Avenue Historic District
Farmington Canal-New Haven and Northampton Canal
Farmington Historic District
Farmington River Railroad Bridge
Farnsworth, Samuel, House
Federal Hill Historic District
Filley, Capt. Oliver, House
First Church of Christ
First Church of Christ and the Ancient Burying Ground
First Church Parsonage
First Congregational Church of East Hartford and Parsonage
First Lutheran Church of the Reformation
First National Bank Building
Fitch, John, School
Footguard Hall
Forestville Passenger Station
Former Fire Station
Fourth Congregational Church
Frog Hollow
Frog Hollow Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Frost, Levi B., House
Fuller, John, House
Garvan-Carroll Historic District
Gillett, Asa, House
Gillette, Francis, House
Gilman-Hayden House
Glastonbury Historic District
Glastonbury-Rock Hill Ferry Historic District
Goodman, Timothy, House
Goodwin Block
Gothic Cottage
Grace Church Rectory
Granby Center Historic District
Grandview Terrace Boulevard
Grannis, Stephen, House
Grant, Ebenezer, House
Gridley-Parsons-Staples Homestead
Hale, Dr. Elizur, House
Hart's Corner Historic District
Hart, Timothy, House
Hartford & New Haven Railroad Depot
Hartford & New Haven Railroad-Freight Depot
Hartford Club
Hartford Electric Light Company Maple Avenue Sub-Station
Hartford Golf Club Historic District
Hartford National Bank and Trust
Hartford Seminary Foundation
Hartford Union Station
Harvey, William H., House
Hastings Hill Historic District
Hathaways Store
Hatheway House
Hayden, Capt. Nathaniel, House
Hayes, Samuel II, House
Hazardville Historic District
Heublein Tower
High Street Historic District
Hilltop Farm
Hitchcock-Schwarzmann Mill
Holcomb, Judah, House
Holcomb, Nathaniel, III, House
Hollister, John, House
Holmes, Francis H., House
Hooker, Henry, House
Hooker, John and Isabella, House
Hooker, Sarah Whitman, House
Hosmer, Daniel, House
Hotel America
House at 1010 Shuttle Meadow Road
House at 111 Maple Avenue
House at 130 Hayden Station Road
House at 140 and 144 Retreat Avenue
House at 36 Forest Street
House at 44 Court Street
House at 590 West Street
House at 736 Palisado Avenue
House at 847 Main Street, North
Hubbard Park
Humphrey, John, House
Hurwood Company
Hyde-St. John House
Imlay and Laurel Streets District
Isham-Terry House
James Pratt Funeral Service
Jefferson-Seymour District
Jerome, William I, House
Johnson, Wilfred X., House
Judd and Root Building
Kellogg, Gen. Martin, House
Kelsey, Enoch, House
Kelsey, Ezekiel, House
Keney Tower
Kensington Grammar School-Jean E. Hooker High School
Kensington Soldier's Monument
Kimberly Mansion
King's Field House
King, Alexander, House
King, George, House
Lake Compounce Carousel
Laurel and Marshall Streets District
Lewis Street Block
Lewis-Zukowski House
Linke, William L., House
Little Hollywood Historic District
Loomis, Capt. James, House
Loomis, Col. James, House
Loomis, George G., House
Loomis, Gordon, House
Loomis, Ira, Jr., House
Lyman House
Magill, Henry, House
Main Street Historic District
Main Street Historic District
Main Street Historic District No. 2
Manchester Historic District
Manchester Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Mansuy and Smith Automobile Showroom Building
Marion Historic District
Marlborough Congregational Church
Marlborough House
Marlborough Tavern
Masonic Temple
Massacoe Forest Pavilion
Mather Homestead
Melrose Road Bridge
Memorial Hall
Meriden Avenue-Oakland Road Historic District
Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Mills, Elijah, House
Mills, Oliver W., House
Mills, Timothy Dwight, House
Montgomery, J.R., Company Industrial Complex
Moore, Deacon John, House
Moore, Edward and Ann, House
Moore, Roswell, II, House
Morley, Edward W., House
Mount St. Joseph Academy
Municipal Building
Murphy, Patrick, House
Myers and Gross Building
Naubuc Avenue-Broad Street Historic District
Neiditz Building
New Britain Opera House
New Britain Public High School Campus
New Haven District Campground
Newington Junction North Historic District
Newington Junction Railroad Depot
Newington Junction South Historic District
Newington Junction West Historic District
Nook Farm and Woodland Street District
North-West School
Northam Memorial Chapel and Gallup Memorial Gateway
Norton, Charles H., House
O'Connell, Clara T., School
Old Farm Schoolhouse
Old Newgate Prison
Old North Cemetery
Old Wethersfield Historic District
Oxford-Whitney Streets Historic District
Palisado Avenue Historic District
Parkside Historic District
Parkville Historic District
Payne, Daniel, House
Peck, Stow & Wilcox Factory
Pequabuck Bridge
Perkins-Clark House
Phelps, Capt. Elisha, House
Phelps, Eli, House
Phelps, Ezekiel, House
Phoenix Life Insurance Company Building
Pine Grove Historic District
Pinney, David, House and Barn
Pinney, David, House and Barn (Boundary Increase)
Plantsville Historic District
Polish National Home
Pomeroy, Arthur G., House
Porter, Dr. J., House
Pratt Street Historic District
Prospect Avenue Historic District
Pultz & Walkley Company
Robbins, John, House
Robbins, Unni II, House
Rockwell Park
Rocky Hill Center Historic District
Rocky Hill Congregational Church
Root, Jonathan, House
Rowe and Weed Houses
Royal Typewriter Company Building
Saint Anthony Hall
Second Church of Christ
Seymour, Elisha, Jr., House
Shade Swamp Shelter
Shelton, William, House
Sigourney Square District
Sigourney Square Historic District (Boundary Increase II)
Sigourney Square Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Simpson, Dr. Frank T., House
Simsbury Bank and Trust Company Building
Simsbury Center Historic District
Simsbury Railroad Depot
Simsbury Townhouse
Sisson-South Whitney Historic District
Skelton, Dr. Henry, House
Sloper-Wesoly House
Smith, H. D., Company Building
South Congregational Church
South End Historic District
South Glastonbury Historic District
South Glastonbury Historic District Boundary Increase
South Green Historic District
Southern New England Telephone Company Building
Southington Center Historic District
Southington Public Library
Southwest District School
Spanish House, The
Spencer House
Spring Grove Cemetery
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. Mary's Parochial School
St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church
Stackpole, Moore, and Tryon Building
Stafford Hollow Historic District
Stanley-Whitman House
Stanley-Woodruff-Allen House
State Arsenal and Armory
Steele, Allyn, House
Stone Bridge
Stony Hill School
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, House
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church
Suffield Historic District
Sweetland, Sophia, House
Swift, M. and Sons Company
Tariffville Historic District
Temple Beth Israel
Temple Beth Israel
Tephereth Israel Synagogue
Terry's Plain Historic District
Terry-Hayden House
Thompson, William H., Farmstead
Town Bridge
Treadway, Townsend G., House
Treadwell House
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church
Tunxis Forest Headquarters House
Tunxis Forest Ski Cabin
Twain, Mark, House
U. S. Post Office and Federal Building
Underwood Computing Machine Company Factory
Union Baptist Church
Union Village Historic District
Upper Albany Historic District
US Post Office-Manchester Main
Viets' Tavern
Vine Street Apartment Buildings
Wadsworth Atheneum
Walnut Hill District
Walnut Hill Park
Washington School
Washington Street School
Watkinson Juvenile Asylum and Farm School
Webb, Joseph, House
Webster Memorial Building
Webster, Horace, Farmhouse
Webster, Noah, Birthplace
Webster, Noah, Memorial Library
Welles, Gideon, House
Welles-Shipman-Ward House
Wells, John, Jr., House
West Boulevard Historic District
West End Historic District
West End Library
West End North Historic District
West End South Historic District
West Granby Historic District
West Hill Historic District
West Street School
Wethersfield Avenue Car Barn
Whitfield Cowles House
Whiting Homestead
Whitman House
Wiard, John, House
Widows' Home
Wightman, Rev. John, House
Wightman, Valentine, House
Willard Homestead
Williams, Austin F., Carriagehouse and House
Williams, J. B., Co. Historic District
Windsor Avenue Congregational Church
Windsor Farms Historic District
Windsor Locks Passenger Station
Woodbridge Farmstead
Woodruff House
Woodruff, Capt. Samuel, House
Woodruff, Ezekiel, House
Woodruff, Jotham, House
Woodruff, Urbana, House
Worthington Ridge Historic District
Connecticut is known as the "Constitution State" because the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, which was adopted in 1639, is considered to be one of the first written constitutions in the world.
About Hartford County
Hartford County Timeline
Hartford County, located in central Connecticut, has a rich history that spans over three centuries. The area was originally inhabited by Native American tribes, including the Pequots and the Mohegans, before European settlers arrived in the 17th century. In 1636, English Puritan minister Thomas Hooker led a group of settlers from Massachusetts Bay Colony to establish the settlement of Hartford along the Connecticut River. This marked the beginning of Hartford County's European settlement.
Throughout the 18th century, Hartford County prospered as a center of trade and commerce. It became an important hub for shipbuilding, trade, and manufacturing. The county played a significant role in the American Revolution, with notable figures such as Nathan Hale, a spy for the Continental Army, hailing from the area.
In the early 19th century, Hartford County experienced industrialization and rapid growth. The region became a manufacturing powerhouse for textiles, firearms, and other goods. The city of Hartford emerged as a major center of insurance and finance, earning it the nickname "Insurance Capital of the World." The county also saw significant social and cultural advancements during this time, with the establishment of educational institutions, such as Trinity College and the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art.
In the 20th century, Hartford County continued to thrive economically, with industries diversifying and expanding. It saw development in sectors such as aerospace, technology, and healthcare. However, the county also faced challenges, including urban decay and the decline of manufacturing. Efforts have been made to revitalize cities such as Hartford and improve the quality of life for residents.
Today, Hartford County remains an important economic and cultural center in Connecticut. Home to numerous businesses, educational institutions, and cultural attractions, it attracts visitors and residents alike. The region's rich history, coupled with its vibrant present, makes it a compelling destination for those interested in exploring Connecticut's past and present.
Throughout the 18th century, Hartford County prospered as a center of trade and commerce. It became an important hub for shipbuilding, trade, and manufacturing. The county played a significant role in the American Revolution, with notable figures such as Nathan Hale, a spy for the Continental Army, hailing from the area.
In the early 19th century, Hartford County experienced industrialization and rapid growth. The region became a manufacturing powerhouse for textiles, firearms, and other goods. The city of Hartford emerged as a major center of insurance and finance, earning it the nickname "Insurance Capital of the World." The county also saw significant social and cultural advancements during this time, with the establishment of educational institutions, such as Trinity College and the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art.
In the 20th century, Hartford County continued to thrive economically, with industries diversifying and expanding. It saw development in sectors such as aerospace, technology, and healthcare. However, the county also faced challenges, including urban decay and the decline of manufacturing. Efforts have been made to revitalize cities such as Hartford and improve the quality of life for residents.
Today, Hartford County remains an important economic and cultural center in Connecticut. Home to numerous businesses, educational institutions, and cultural attractions, it attracts visitors and residents alike. The region's rich history, coupled with its vibrant present, makes it a compelling destination for those interested in exploring Connecticut's past and present.
Hartford County Timeline
This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Hartford County, Connecticut.
- 1633 - Dutch explorer Adriaen Block becomes the first European to sail up the Connecticut River and visit the area that would become Hartford County.
- 1636 - English settlers led by Reverend Thomas Hooker establish the settlement of Hartford, the capital of Connecticut and the county seat of Hartford County.
- 1666 - Hartford County is officially established as one of the original four Connecticut counties.
- 1784 - The Charter Oak, symbolizing the colony's independence from British rule, is toppled during a storm in Hartford.
- 1836 - The Colt Armory is established in Hartford, becoming one of the world's largest manufacturing sites for firearms.
- 1846 - The Hartford Courant, the oldest continuously published newspaper in the United States, begins publication.
- 1874 - Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) and his family move to Hartford, where he writes some of his most famous works.
- 1960 - The construction of the Connecticut State Capitol in Hartford is completed.
- 1964 - The Connecticut Historical Society Museum and Library is established in Hartford, preserving the state's rich history.