Dr. Robert Semple

Historical marker location:
2438 Zumwalt Road, Williams, California
( Marker can be reached from the intersection of Zumwalt Road, and Crawford Road, on the right when traveling west.)
Marker installed: 1932

In Memory of

The first European to set foot in California was Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, a Portuguese explorer sailing for the Spanish crown. He arrived in what is now San Diego Bay in 1542 and explored the coast for several months.
Colusa County, located in the heart of the Sacramento Valley in Northern California, has a rich history dating back thousands of years. The region was originally inhabited by the indigenous Patwin people, who thrived off the abundant natural resources of the area. The arrival of Spanish explorers in the late 18th century marked the beginning of European influence in Colusa County.

In the early 19th century, Mexican ranchos were established in the region, including the Colus Rancho. John Bidwell, a prominent pioneer in California, later purchased a portion of this rancho and became a significant figure in the social and economic development of the county.

The California Gold Rush brought a wave of settlers to Colusa County in the mid-1800s, seeking their fortune in the numerous gold mines in the nearby Sierra Nevada Mountains. With the discovery of gold, many small towns and settlements sprung up across the county, catering to the needs of miners and offering various services. The bounty of the Feather River and the Sacramento Valley also attracted agriculture and livestock production, which became significant sources of wealth in the region.

As the county developed, it went through various economic boom and bust cycles. The establishment of the California Pacific Railroad in the late 19th century further boosted Colusa County's growth, facilitating trade and transportation in the area. Today, agriculture remains a major industry in the county, with crops such as almonds, rice, and tomatoes being significant contributors to the local economy.

Throughout its history, Colusa County has maintained its strong agricultural heritage while also embracing modern developments. It continues to be a picturesque region, boasting natural beauty, historic landmarks, and a close-knit community that values its rich history.

This timeline provides a concise overview of the key events in the history of Colusa County, California.

  • 1850: Colusa County is established as one of the original 27 counties in California.
  • 1852: The city of Colusa is founded.
  • 1853: The county seat is officially moved from Monroeville to Colusa.
  • 1871: The Colusa Sun newspaper is established, becoming the oldest continuously published weekly newspaper in California.
  • 1880: The Colusa County Courthouse is constructed.
  • 1941: The Sacramento River floods Colusa County, causing significant damage to farms and homes.
  • 1986: Colusa Casino Resort opens, becoming a popular local attraction.
  • 1998: The Colusa National Wildlife Refuge is established, providing habitat for migratory birds.
  • 2000: The population of Colusa County reaches its peak at over 22,000 residents.
  • 2018: The Camp Fire, one of the most destructive wildfires in California history, affects some parts of Colusa County.