Historical Markers in Sitka, Alaska
250th Anniversary of the Bering- Chirikov Expedition
A Town for an Empire
Alaska Native Brotherhood Hall
Alaska Purchase
American Flag Raising Site
American Sitka
Emmons House
Finding Common Ground
Forest Service House
Forgotten Workers of the Russian-American Company
Hanlon-Osbakken House
History of Castle Hill (-1804)
History of Castle Hill (1804-1867)
History of Castle Hill (1867-)
In This Place
Ladies of the Hill
Men of the Hill
Noow Tlein
Russian Bishop's House
Russian Mission Orphanage
Sentinel of a Divided Town
Sitka Lutheran Church
Sitka Woman's Club
St. Michael's Cathedral
St. Michael's Russian Orthodox Cathedral
Staton's Steakhouse and Cocktail Lounge
Story of a Hill
The Priest's House
Tilson Building
In the late 1800s, there was a gold rush in Alaska that drew thousands of prospectors to the region. The Klondike Gold Rush of 1896-1899 brought tens of thousands of people to Alaska and the Yukon, and was one of the largest gold rushes in history.