Historical Markers in Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Alaska
'Cat' Houses & Sporting Women
20 Creek Street
Carving a Place in History
Chief Johnson Totem Pole
Chief Kyan Totem Pole
Creek Street
Crossing a Frontier
Diaz Café
Dolly's House
From Planks to Pavement
Gold Rush Crossroads
In Defiance of the Dry Squad
June's Café
Keeping the Catch!
Ketchikan Shingle Mill
Ketchikan Waterfront from Pennock Island, 1905
New York Hotel & Café
Proud Canoes & Coastal Traders
Sea and Skyline
South Front Street
Spirit & Sparks
Star House
Star-crossed Square Riggers
Stedman-Thomas Historic District
Tatsuda's Grocery
The Gilmore Hotel
The Lost Frontier
Tongass Trading Company
Trials by Fire
Upon 'Thundering Wings'
When 'Steam was Queen'
The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, signed into law in 1971, was the largest land settlement in United States history. The act provided for the transfer of over 44 million acres of land and nearly $1 billion to Alaska Native corporations.