Historical Markers in Anchorage, Alaska
1964 Earthquake
A Prickly World
Anchorage Aloft!
Ancient Traditions of the Athabascan People
Athabascan Family Lodges and Cabins
Atlantic Salmon-A Threat to the Chugach National Forest?
Brown Bears of AWCC
Captain James Cook
Coho Salmon Life Cycle
Fort Richardson National Cemetery-Gate
Measuring the Magnitude of Damage
Mobile Architecture
Moose Calves
Oscar Gill House
Our Living National Symbol
Raven the Creator
Resolution Park 1776 / 1778
The Earth Did Quake
Turnagain Heights Slide
What is this “Rock Man”?
The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, signed into law in 1971, was the largest land settlement in United States history. The act provided for the transfer of over 44 million acres of land and nearly $1 billion to Alaska Native corporations.