Gaines County

Historical marker location:
101 S. Main St., Seminole, Texas
( Courthouse lawn, corner of HWY 180 and HWY 385, Seminole)
Marker installed: 1989
Marker size: Pink Granite Highway Marker

Created August 21, 1876; organized October 24, 1905. Named for James Gaines: born in Virginia in 1779; established a ferry across the Sabine River in 1819; a signer of the Declaration of Independence; member of the Congress of the Republic. Gold lured him to California, where he died. A country of cattle, oil and farming. Seminole, the county seat.


As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

Texas is known for its barbecue, and one of the most famous barbecue restaurants in the state is Kreuz Market in Lockhart. The restaurant has been in operation since 1900 and is still family-owned.