J. J. Pierce

Historical marker location:
US 82, Crosbyton, Texas
( Crosbyton Cemetery, from Crosbyton, take US 82 1 mile East)
Marker installed: 1967
Marker size: grave marker

Born at Blum, Texas. Became Sheriff of Crosby County in January 1947. Was killed in line of duty while arresting a bootlegger at Ralls, Texas. Dedicated to enforcement of law--a man of quiet courage and fearless character. Father of eight children.

Recorded, 1967

As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

The state of Texas was once an independent country known as the Republic of Texas. It gained independence from Mexico in 1836 and was a separate nation until it was annexed by the United States in 1845.