Mission San Francisco de la Espada (Mission St. Francis of the Sword)

Historical marker location:
San Antonio, Texas
( Mission Drive, San Antonio)
Marker installed: 1969
Marker size: 27" x 42"

Established in San Antonio in 1731. May have been named for statue of St. Francis in the chapel which, according to tradition, once grapsed a sword. One of the few missions near which descenants of the Indian converts and spaniards still live, Espada is considered by some to date back to Mission San Francisco De Los Tejas, founded in East Texas in 1690. A succession moves eventually brought it here. The original buildings at Espada, the farthest south of the five missions near San Antonio, were undoubtly of adobe. A wall surrounded the church (usually called a chapel), friary, granary,and work shops. Extensive farms and pastures lay nearby. By 1745 the Indians produced grain and beans, and the missioned owned 1,150 head of cattle and 750 sheep. One of the few remaining early structures is the southeast bastion (fortified round tower), which is the only mission fort left intact in San Antonio. Its three-foot rock walls, which contain holes for cannons and muskets, support a vaulted roof. Composing Espada's once-vital waterworks are a dam (one mile north), an irriation ditch, and a fine aqueduct (near this site)--the only extant spanich aqueduct in the United States

As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

The world's first rodeo was held in Pecos, Texas in 1883. The event included bronco riding, calf roping, and bull riding.
Bexar County, Texas, holds a significant place in the history of the Lone Star State. Native American tribes thrived in the region for centuries before the arrival of European explorers. In 1718, the Spanish established the Mission San Antonio de Valero, known as the Alamo, which became a symbol of Texas' fight for independence. The area came under Mexican control after Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821.

During the Texas Revolution in 1836, the Battle of the Alamo took place, where a small group of Texan defenders valiantly fought against Mexican forces. Although the defenders ultimately lost, their bravery and sacrifice galvanized the Texan cause. Soon after, the Republic of Texas was established, and Bexar County was officially created in 1837, named after San Antonio de Béxar.

Bexar County played a vital role in the westward expansion of the United States. It became part of the United States when Texas joined as the 28th state in 1845. The county saw significant growth with the construction of railroads, the establishment of military bases like Fort Sam Houston, and the influx of European immigrants. In 1968, HemisFair '68 brought international attention to the county, showcasing its rich cultural heritage and attracting visitors from around the world. Today, Bexar County is known for its vibrant tourism industry, robust military presence, renowned healthcare institutions, and prestigious educational establishments.

This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Bexar County, Texas.

  • Pre-19th Century: The region that would become Bexar County was inhabited by various Native American tribes, including the Coahuiltecan and Lipan Apache.

  • 1718: The Spanish established the Mission San Antonio de Valero, known today as the Alamo, in what is now downtown San Antonio. This marked the beginning of Spanish colonization in the area.

  • 1821: Mexico gained independence from Spain, and the region came under Mexican control.

  • 1836: The Battle of the Alamo took place during the Texas Revolution, where a small group of Texan defenders fought against Mexican forces. Though the defenders were ultimately defeated, their resistance became a symbol of Texas independence.

  • 1837: The Republic of Texas officially established Bexar County, naming it after San Antonio de Béxar, the former Spanish name for the area.

  • 1845: Texas joined the United States as the 28th state.

  • 1861-1865: During the American Civil War, Bexar County remained part of the Confederacy.

  • Late 19th-early 20th century: The county saw growth and development with the expansion of railroads, the establishment of military bases like Fort Sam Houston, and the arrival of European immigrants.

  • 1968: HemisFair '68, a world's fair, was held in San Antonio, bringing national and international attention to the city and the county.