Early Community Building

Historical marker location:
210 N East St, Seymour, Texas
( S. East and E. Morris streets, Seymour)
Marker installed: 1969
Marker size: 14" x 24"

Built 1877 by Charles Holman, builder-carpenter from Sweden. Stone was quarried south of town. Over the years, structure housed a school, churches, a newspaper office and a community center.

It was purchased by J. E. McClelen in 1949 and restored as a private home.

Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1969

As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to the state, community organizations, and businesses.

The city of Austin, the state capital, is known as the live music capital of the world. It is home to many music festivals, including South by Southwest (SXSW) and the Austin City Limits Music Festival.