Snake Brigades & "Fur Deserts"

Historical marker location:
1219 Banks Lowman Road, Garden Valley, Idaho
( Marker can be reached from Banks Lowman Road (County Highway 17) near Station Creek Loop Road, on the left when traveling west.)

Idaho played a key role in the development of atomic energy. During World War II, the federal government established the Idaho National Laboratory in eastern Idaho, which was used to research and develop nuclear technology. Today, the lab is one of the leading research facilities in the world for nuclear energy and other forms of advanced technology.
Boise County, ID has a rich history that dates back to the early 19th century. It was originally inhabited by Native American tribes, including the Shoshone and Bannock Indians, who utilized the area's natural resources for hunting, fishing, and gathering.

The county's history changed dramatically in the 1860s when gold was discovered in the Boise Basin. This led to a large influx of miners from across the country, resulting in the establishment of numerous mining towns and camps. Boise County quickly became a hub of mining activity, with a population boom and the development of infrastructure like roads, bridges, and schools.

However, the mining boom was short-lived, and by the late 1870s, many of the towns in Boise County had declined as the gold reserves dwindled. The subsequent years saw a shift in the county's economy toward logging and agriculture.

During the early 20th century, Boise County faced a series of challenges, including devastating wildfires and the impact of the Great Depression. The construction of the Lucky Peak Dam in the 1950s brought a level of stability to the area, as it provided water for irrigation and hydroelectric power.

Today, Boise County is known for its stunning natural beauty, outdoor recreational opportunities, and the preservation of its historic sites like mining ghost towns. Its history as a mining hub has left behind a captivating legacy that draws visitors from near and far.

This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Boise County, Idaho.

  • 1862: Boise County is established as one of the original counties in Idaho Territory.
  • 1863: Idaho City becomes the county seat of Boise County.
  • 1864: The construction of the Boise & Oregon Stage Road begins, connecting Boise County to the Oregon Trail.
  • 1867: Idaho City becomes the largest city in the Pacific Northwest, surpassing Portland, Oregon.
  • 1869: The completion of the Idaho Territorial Penitentiary marks the first prison in the Pacific Northwest.
  • 1874: The county seat is relocated from Idaho City to Placerville.
  • 1890: Boise County experiences a decline in population with the end of the gold rush era.
  • 1943: The Idaho State Police begins patrolling Boise County.
  • 1952: The county seat is relocated back to Idaho City.
  • 1993: The Boise National Forest, covering portions of Boise County, is established.