Historical Markers in Orleans County, Vermont
Coventry Civil War Monument
Coventry Remembers
Derby Academy
Early 19th Century Newport / Newport au dèbut du 19e siècle
Early 20th Century, Newport / Newport au début du 20e siècle
First Reparative Probation Case in the United States
Grand Army of the Republic Memorial
Haskell Free Library and Opera House
Henry M. Leland
Newport's Fire Fighters / Les Pompiers de Newport
Newport's Hotels and Tourism / Les Hotels de Newport et le Tourisme
Northern Forest Canoe Trail
Old Stone House
Pomerleau Park
Runaway Pond
Sterling College
The Arrival of the Railroad / L'Arrivée du Chemin de Fer
The Lane Opera House / Le « Lane Opera House »
Tour Boats on the Lake / Les Bateaux de Randonnée sur le Lac
Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
War Memorial