Historical Marker

Old Sandy Creek Cemetery

Historical marker location:
FM 2310, CR 180, Mexia, Texas
( near Echols, approx 8 mi. W of Mexia, on CR 191, near intersection of FM 2310 and CR 180)
Marker installed: 2004

Following Emancipation in 1865, many former Limestone County slaves established their own homes. Those settling in this area included Sawney Henry and Davey Medlock, founders of Sandy M.E. Church and Sandy community. This site served as the early burial ground for the agricultural settlement, also known as Oak Grove. By 1900, the Sandy Creek Graveyard, Church and School Land Association maintained the site. Most of the graves here are those of former slaves, with the last known burial made in 1943. By that time, residents had established a newer burial ground.

Historic Texas Cemetery - 2004.