Historical Marker

Town of Latexo

Marker installed: 1972

Early community called Oldham, near Bethel Church and school, was renamed Starks' Switch when International & Great Northern Railroad in 1872 laid sidetrack to serve Starks' sawmill (2 mi. W).

Latexo post office opened in 1907, after the Louisiana Texas Orchard Company platted 3,000 acres of fruit land and a town here. Lumbering later stripped timber from area, but permanent settlers grew fruit and cotton. About 1915 Latexo became first Houston County school to teach agriculture. Ranches sprang up, 1960s. Unincorporated, town has fire squad, other civic services. (1972)

[SUPPLEMENTAL PLATE] Town incorporated 1979, electing mayor, aldermen. Street lights, signs added; new school (1980), city hall and fire station (1984), and post office (1985).