Historical Marker

Site of Old Town of Augusta

Historical marker location:
FM 227, Weches, Texas
( Augusta, south side of FM 227 between CR 1560 and CR 1685)
Marker installed: 1971

Settled 1821 by frontiersman Daniel McLean and brother-in-law John Sheridan. Aldrich, Davis, Edens, Kyle, Maden and Wilson families soon located here also. Indian troubles included Edens-Madden Massacre and killings of McLean and Sheridan during the 1830s. Ioni (later Augusta) Lodge No. 93, A.F.&A.M., was organized in 1852. Community was "Boston" until post office, established in 1857, was named for the daughter of Capt. John T. Smith. The town had a male and female academy and about 24 stores and shops. Ranching and forestry replaced the original cotton economy. (1971).