National Register Listings in Lincoln County, Maine
Alna Meetinghouse
Alna School
Arch Bridge
Auld-McCobb House
Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library
Bowman-Carney House
Bremen Town Hall, Former
Bridge Academy
Burnt Island Light Station
Carleton, Moses, House
Chapman-Hall House
Chimney Farm
Clary Mill
Coffin, Stephen, House
Congregational Church of Edgecomb
Cottage on King's Row
Cottrill, Matthew, House
Cuckolds Light Station
Damariscotta Baptist Church
Damariscove Lifesaving Station
Dresden Brick School House
Dresden Town House
Fort Edgecomb
Fort William Henry
German Church and Cemetery
Glidden-Austin Block
Gray House, Old
Harrington Meetinghouse
Head Tide Historic District
Hendricks Head Light Station
Huston House
Hutchins House
Influence, The
Jackson, Dr. F. W., House
Jefferson Cattle Pound
Jefferson Town House
Kavanagh, Gov. Edward, House (Additional Documentation)
Kent, Rockwell, Cottage and Studio
Knight-Corey House
Lithgow House
Loudville Church
Ludwig, Godfrey, House
Main Street Historic District
Main Street Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Means, Emily, House
Monhegan Island Lighthouse and Quarters
Moore, John, House
Nickels-Sortwell House
Parson's Bend
Parsons, Josiah K., Homestead
Parsons, Stephen, House
Pemaquid Point Light
Perkins Homestead
Pownalborough Courthouse
Pythian Opera House
Ram Island Light Station
Red Brick School
Scott, Capt. George, House
Second Congregational Church
Sproul Homestead
Sprucewold Lodge
Squire Tarbox House
St. Andrew's Church
St. Denis Catholic Church
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
Tenants Harbor Light Station
Thompson Icehouse
U.S. Customhouse (Old Customhouse) and Post Office
U.S. Customhouse and Post Office
Union Church
Union Meeting House, (Former)
Waldo Theatre
Waldoborough Town Pound
Walpole Meetinghouse
Weston, Daniel, Homestead
Westport Community Church
Whitefield Union Hall
Wiscasset Historic District
Wiscasset Jail and Museum