Blount County, Tennessee

Alexander, John, House Alumni Gym Anderson Hall Bartlett, Peter, House Bethlehem Methodist Church Brick Mill Site Brickey, Peter, House Cades Cove Historic District Calderwood Dam Calderwood Dam (Boundary Increase) Calderwood Hydroelectric Development Chilhowee Hydroelectric Development Clark, Langston, Barn Clover Hill Mill Cloyd's Creek Presbyterian Church Cochrane, Mary, Barn Craig, John J., Quarry Historic District Crawford, Gideon, House Davis, James R., House Federal Building Fisher, A. J., House Frazier, Samuel, House Friends Church George, Samuel, House Gillespie, James, House Hackney, John, House Hackney, John, Mill Site Hamil, Alexander, Hosue Happy Valley School Harper Memorial Library Henderson, William, House Henry Farm (Boundary Increase) Henry House Hitch, John, House Hood, Pete, House Indiana Avenue Historic District Jones, David, House Jones, David, House Kerr, Macklin, House Kizer, Hezekiah, House Look Rock Observation Tower Louisville Historic District Martin, James, House Martin, John, Mill Martin, Warner, House Maryville College Historic District McCampbell, James, Barn McCampbell, Minnis, Barn McConnell, John, House McCullock, Thomas, House McNutt-Howard House McNutt-McReynolds House Millennium Manor Miser Station Store Morningside Patton, Samuel A., Building Peery Mill Site People's Bank of Friendsville Pistol Creek Dam and Mill Race Porter, Stephen, House Rorex, John M., House Russell-Lackey-Prater House Sam Houston Schoolhouse Shaddon Mill Site Shea, John F., House Southern Railroad Bridge Southern Railroad Freight Depot Stevenson, Dr. William P., House Thompson-Brown House Trundle, Carl, Barn Vineyard, Tobler, House Vose School Walland Bridge Walland Power Plant Warren, Marcus, House White's Mill Willard-Clark House Yearout, Isaac, House

Alcoa's First Fire Hall Alleghany Springs An Early Mountain Community Babcock Lumber & Land Company and the Vose Community Baker's Creek Church Bartlett's Station Bassel School Blount County Revolutionary War Memorial Blount County War Dead Memorial Campbell Family Massacre Charles M. Hall School Chilhowee Civilian Conservation Corps Cloyd's Creek Presbyterian Church Craig Fort - 1785 Early Alcoa High School Athletics Eusebia Church Freedman's Institute Friendsville Friendsville Marble Industry Monument Gamble's Station General Sam Houston General Sam Houston Houston's Station Hultquist and Chandler Homes Hunt Field Incorporation of the City of Alcoa Initial Plant & Town Site Construction / The Mule Barn James Gillespy's Fort John Craig's Fort John Mitchel Knox County / Blount County Louis Philippe's Visit Maryville College Maryville During the Civil War Maryville Polytechnic School McTeer's Fort Millennium Manor Montvale Springs Near the Site of Henry Fort New Providence Church Nicely's Grocery Store On this site August 17, 1915 Porter Academy Pride Mansion Relief of Knoxville Sam Houston American Giant Homesite Sam Houston Schoolhouse Sam Houston Statue Samuel Henry's Station Site of Fort Gamble Springbrook Park Springbrook Pool Springbrook School The Bethlehem Methodist Church The Black Sulfur Spring The Commercial Building The Duck Pond and Lily Pond The Glascock House The Hall Community The Little River Lumber Company The Marcus Warren House The Underground Railroad Tuckaleechee Villages Where Houston Enlisted William Bennett Scott, Sr. “Battle of the Bulge” World War II Veterans of Blount County
Blount County, located in eastern Tennessee, has a rich and diverse history dating back thousands of years. Prior to European settlement, the area was inhabited by the Cherokee people, who called it "Tanasi." In the late 18th century, European settlers began arriving in the region, and the county was formed in 1795, named after Governor William Blount.

During the early years of its establishment, Blount County played a significant role in the expansion and development of Tennessee. It became a crucial center for trade and commerce, thanks to its location along important trade routes like the Old Federal Road and the Tennessee River. The county also played a role in the War of 1812, with significant military activity taking place near present-day Maryville.

In the mid-19th century, Blount County experienced growth and prosperity, with the implementation of the East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad. This allowed for increased access to markets and furthered the agricultural and industrial development of the county. The town of Maryville, the county seat, became a hub for commerce, education, and culture.

Blount County's history is also intertwined with the Civil War. While the county remained predominantly pro-Union during the war, it saw significant military action due to its strategic location. Battle of Maryville and Battle of Campbell's Station were fought within its borders. After the war, Blount County saw a period of rebuilding and recovery, and today it remains a thriving hub of industry, education, and natural beauty.
Brief timeline of the history of Blount County, Tennessee:

  • 1795 - Blount County, TN is established
  • 1801 - The town of Maryville is established as the county seat
  • 1818 - The Hiwassee Purchase Treaty opens up the area for settlement
  • 1820 - The Old Stone Presbyterian Church is built in Maryville
  • 1825 - The Little Tennessee River Navigation Company is chartered to improve transportation
  • 1833 - The county courthouse is constructed in Maryville
  • 1857 - The Knoxville and Charleston Railroad reaches Maryville
  • 1861-1865 - Blount County suffers from the American Civil War
  • 1870 - The Knoxville and Ohio Railroad is completed in the county
  • 1933 - The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is established, partly in Blount County
  • 1942-1945 - The nearby Alcoa aluminum plant plays a key role in World War II
  • 1982 - The Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center is founded in Townsend

This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Blount County, Tennessee.