Creek County, Oklahoma
Beard Motor Company
Berryhill Building
Bridge No. 18 at Rock Creek
Bristow Firestone Service Station
Bristow Motor Company Building
Bristow Presbyterian Church
Bristow Tire Shop
Creek County Courthouse
Creek Masonic Lodge No. 226
Depew Route 66 Segment
Drumright Gasoline Plant No. 2
Drumright, Aaron, House
First United Methodist Church of Drumright
Frank, John, House
Fulkerson, J. W., House
House Building
Jackson, Barnett, No. 11 Oil Well
Klingensmith Park Amphitheater
Little Deep Fork Creek Bridge
Markham School and Teacherage
McClung House
Meacham Building
Santa Fe Depot
Sapulpa Downtown Historic District (Additional Documentation)
Tank Farm Loop Route 66 Roadbed
Texaco Service Station
Tidal School
Washington School
West Sapulpa Route 66 Roadbed
Wheeler No. 1 Oil Well
1st Lt Robert F. Trigalet, USMC
45th Infantry (Thunderbird) Division
AMM1 Clifford Murl Satterfield, US Navy
Bristow Concrete Walk
Bristow Pioneers Plaza
Cpl Larry E. Caldwell, US Army
Cpl Peter W. Klingensmith
Depew Community Veterans Memorial
Earle Berryhill Building
Ex-Prisoners of War and Those Missing In Action
Major Quince L. Brown, USAAF
Original Townsite of Mannford
Rock Creek Bridge
SFC Donald J. Hurt, US Army
Turkey Track Ranch
United States Navy Memorial
USS Gunboat Charleston (PG 51)
VFW Post 3656 Charter
VFW Post 3656 War Memorial
In the mid-1800s, the U.S. government forced the Creek Nation to cede their lands through treaties, resulting in the establishment of Creek County. The area was then opened for settlement, attracting pioneers seeking new opportunities in the newly formed Indian Territory. The arrival of settlers brought significant changes to the region, with the growth of towns and the development of agriculture and commerce.
During the early 1900s, Creek County experienced a boom in the oil industry. The discovery of oil reserves led to a rapid influx of wealth and population in the area. Oil wells sprouted across the county, attracting workers and investors from far and wide. This oil boom brought a significant economic boost to Creek County, as well as infrastructure development such as roads and railways.
In recent years, Creek County has continued to evolve and diversify its economy. While the oil industry remains a prominent player, the county has also seen growth in other sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. Creek County is home to a number of historical sites and natural attractions, including Keystone Lake and the Creek Nation Tribal Complex, which draw visitors from near and far.
Overall, Creek County's history is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of its residents, who have overcome challenges and embraced opportunities to build a vibrant and thriving community in the heart of Oklahoma.
Brief timeline of the history of Creek County, Oklahoma:
- 1892 - Creek County is established as a part of Oklahoma Territory.
- 1907 - Oklahoma becomes a state, and Creek County is incorporated within the new state.
- 1908 - Oil is discovered in Creek County, leading to an economic boom.
- 1923 - The Creek County Courthouse, located in Sapulpa, is completed.
- 1937 - The Creek County Fair is established, becoming an annual event.
- 1961 - The Turner Turnpike, a toll road running through Creek County, is opened.
- 1979 - The Creek County Jail is built in Sapulpa.
- 1999 - A tornado strikes Creek County, causing significant damage.
- 2010 - Creek County celebrates its centennial anniversary.
This timeline provides a condensed summary of the historical journey of Creek County, Oklahoma.