Ramsey County, Minnesota
3M Administration Building
Arlington Hills Library
Armstrong, John M., House
Assumption School
Beebe, Dr. Ward, House
Blair Flats
Bridges No. L-5853 and 92247
Brooks, Edward, Sr. and Markell, House
Brunson, Benjamin, House
Bullard, Casiville, House
Burbank-Livingston-Griggs House
Butler, Pierce and Walter, House
C.S.P.S. Hall
Central Presbyterian Church
Church of St. Agnes-Catholic
Church of St. Bernard-Catholic
Church of St. Casimir-Catholic
Church of the Assumption-Catholic
Cobb, Cyrus B., House
Colorado Street Bridge
Commerce Building
Como Park Conservatory
Davern, William and Catherine, Farm House
Degree of Honor Protective Association Building
Derham Hall and Our Lady of Victory Chapel, College of St. Catherine
Euclid View Flats
Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association Headquarters
Finch, Vanslyck and McConville Dry Goods Company Building
First Baptist Church of St. Paul
First National Bank of White Bear
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, House
Fitzpatrick Building
Foss House
Germania Bank Building
Gibbs, Heman, Farmstead
Giesen-Hauser House
Hamline Methodist Episcopal Church
Hamm Building
Harriet Island Pavilion
Highland Park Tower
Hill's James, J., North Oaks Farm, Dairy Building
Hill's, James J., North Oaks Farm, Dairy Building, Granary Root Cellar and Auxiliary Buildings, Boundary Increase
Hill, James J., House
Hinkel, Ann Charlotte and Jacob, House
Historic Hill District
Hobe, E. H., House-Solheim
Holman Field Administration Building
Hope Engine Company No. 3
Indian Mounds Park Mound Group
Intercity Bridge
Irvine Park Historic District
Irvine, Horace Hills, House
Kellogg, Frank B., House
Krank Manufacturing Company
Lauer Flats
Lee, Olaf, House
Lowertown Historic District
Luckert, David, House
Manhattan Building
McGill, Andrew R., House
Mendota Road Bridge
Merchants National Bank
Mickey's Diner
Minnesota Boat Club Boathouse on Raspberry Island
Minnesota Building
Minnesota Historical Society Building
Minnesota Milk Company Building
Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company Building
Minnesota State Capitol
Muench, Adolf, House
Muskego Church
Northern Pacific Railway Company Como Shops Historic District
Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Noyes, Charles P., Cottage
O'Donnell Shoe Company Building
Old Federal Courts Building
Old Main, Macalester College
Osborn Building
Payne Avenue State Bank
Pilgrim Baptist Church
Pioneer and Endicott Buildings
Ramsey County Poor Farm Barn
Ramsey, Alexander, House
Ramsey, Justus, Stone House
Rau/Strong House
Riverside Hangar
Riverview Branch Library
Robert Street Bridge
Rochat-Louise-Sauerwein Block
Roselawn Chapel and Administration Building
Salvation Army Women's Home and Hospital
Schmidt, Jacob, Brewing Company Historic District
Schneider, Charles W., House
Schornstein Grocery and Saloon
Seventh Street Improvement Arches
Shubert, Sam S., Theatre and Shubert Building
Spangenberg, Frederick, House
St. Agatha's Conservatory of Music and Arts
St. Anthony Park Branch Library
St. Joseph's Academy
St. Matthew's School
St. Paul Casket Company
St. Paul Cathedral-Catholic
St. Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse
St. Paul Municipal Grain Terminal
St. Paul Public/James J. Hill Reference Library
St. Paul Union Depot
St. Paul Union Depot (Boundary Increase)
St. Paul Women's City Club
St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company Shops Historic District Boundary Increase
St. Paul, Minneapolis, & Manitoba Railway Company Shops Historic District
Superior Packing Company Plant
Thompson, Charles, Memorial Hall
Triune Masonic Temple
United Church Seminary
United States Bedding Company
United States Post Office and Custom House
University Hall-Old Main, Hamline University
Vienna and Earl Apartment Buildings
Walsh Building
Watson, Dwight H. and Clara M., House (Additional Documentation)
West Summit Avenue Historic District
White Bear Lake Armory
Woodland Park Baptist Church
Woodland Park District
Yoerg, Anthony, Sr., House
151-155 Western Avenue
3M & Labor
3M & Saint Paul
3M & the Community
3M & World War II: The People
3M & World War II: The Products
3M Vision & Growth
3M, a Family Affair
A Century in the Sky
A History of Change
Abrasives Products & Manufacturing
Al Avila
Alexander Ramsey House
Battle Creek Regional Park
Building the "Skally"
C.S.P.S. Hall
Cathedral of Saint Paul
Cathedral of Saint Paul Cornerstone
Central Presbyterian Church
Charles A. Lindbergh
Charles W. Holman
Church of Saint Louis, King of France
Como Park's Early Years
Cornerstones & Time Capsules
Creation and Development of 3M
Curtiss Northwest Airport and its Fliers
Curtiss Northwest Airport – Serving the Area
De Dakod Makoce Unkitawapi E E
Destination Lake Phalen
Endicott Building
Explosion: 3M Response to Disaster
Extending the U
F. Scott Fitzgerald House
Fountain Cave
Freedom House Station 51
Frost Avenue
Gervais Grist Mill
Getting a Job at 3M
Gladstone Savanna's Natural History
Growing a Stock
Growing in Minnesota
Hackett Block
Hamm's Bear
Harold "Hep" Cronin
History in Depth
History of Saint Paul
Hubert H. Humphrey
Hydro Electric Turbine
In Memory of Civilian Conservation Corps Personnel
Innovations from the Saint Paul Campus
Irvine Park / Irvine Park Historic District
Jacob Fahlstrom
James J. Hill / The James J. Hill House
Kenneth Wayne Stauffer
Lambert's Landing
Legends of Rondo Neighborhood
Leif Erikson
Machines, Tools, & Engineering
Market Street Methodist Episcopal Church
Marketing 3M & Its Products
Marti Wolever
Meeker Island Lock and Dam
Meeker Island Lock and Dam Historic Site
Minneapolis War Memorial Blood Bank
Mississippi River Gorge
Northern Pacific Railway Warehouse
Old Anatomy Building
Our Lady of Victory Chapel / Derham Hall
People & Times: 3M & Saint Paul's East Side
Phalen Regional Park Waterfall
Phil Rizzo
Pioneer Building
Ramsey County Cemetery
Remnants of a Former Rail Yard
Rice Park
Saint Paul and Ramsey County WWI Memorial
Saint Paul Rubber Company
Scotch Brand
Shadow Falls
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Site of First School Patrol Crossing in the World
Site of Minnesota's First Synagogue
St. Joseph's Academy
St. Paul Civil War Memorial
Streetcars to Como
Summit Lookout Park
Summit–Selby Neighborhood
Terry Reynolds
The 3M Flagpole
The Goldstein Legacy
The Hamline Plaza
The Indian Mounds Park "Airway" Beacon
The James J. Hill Reference Library
The Melan Arch
The New York Life Eagle
The Original Townsite Plat of White Bear Lake
The Picturesque Landscape
The Red River Ox Cart Trail
The Reverend Lucien Galtier
The Saint Paul Public Library
The St. Paul Campus
Three Islands in the Mississippi
Tom Greenwade
Union Depot
Veterinary Medicine
Welcome to Dale Street Station
Welcome to Union Depot Station
Welcome to Victoria Street Station
What Did They Do?
Working Women at 3M
World War I Memorial Grove
"Spiral for Justice" Roy Wilkins Memorial
"The Mining"
In the 19th century, Ramsey County was established as one of Minnesota's original nine counties in 1849. The county derived its name from Alexander Ramsey, the first territorial governor of Minnesota. The area began to develop rapidly, with the construction of the state's first railroad in 1862, connecting St. Paul (the county seat) with the rest of Minnesota and pushing economic growth.
During the late 19th century, St. Paul became a major center for trade and transportation, with its location on the Mississippi River and proximity to railways. The city witnessed significant industrialization, attracting diverse industries such as milling, meatpacking, and brewing. The population of the county expanded rapidly, attracting immigrants from various European countries who sought employment opportunities.
In the 20th century, Ramsey County continued to grow and diversify. It played a critical role in World War II as the site of the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant, which produced munitions for the war effort. The county also faced challenges, including racial tensions and urban decay in certain areas. Today, Ramsey County remains a vibrant urban area with a diverse population and a strong economy, characterized by its thriving arts and culture scene, high-quality education, and numerous recreational opportunities.
Brief timeline of the history of Ramsey County, Minnesota:
- 1849 - Ramsey County is established in Minnesota Territory
- 1850 - St. Paul becomes the county seat
- 1857 - Land west of the Mississippi River is transferred to Hennepin County
- 1862 - Dakota tribes are forcibly removed from the county during the U.S.-Dakota War
- 1889 - Capitol building is completed in St. Paul
- 1900 - Population of Ramsey County exceeds 200,000
- 1938 - The Highland Park Water Tower is built
- 1974 - Landmark Center opens as a cultural center and events venue
- 1992 - Xcel Energy Center is constructed in downtown St. Paul
- 2010 - Population of Ramsey County reaches nearly 520,000
This timeline provides a glimpse into the major events and milestones that have shaped the history of Ramsey County, Minnesota.