Historical Markers in
Fremont County, Wyoming

Atlantic City: Surviving the Bust Beaver Rim and the Wind River Range Block House Bonneville Cabins Borner's Garden Schoolhouse Bossert Building Boysen Dam and Reservoir Today Boysen's Historic Dam Crowheart Butte Crushing Gold Ore Cultural Heritage Dallas Dome Oil Field Esther Hobart Morris Fauna of Union Pass First Masonic Lodge in Wyoming Flora at Union Pass Fort Stambaugh, 1870-1878 Fort Washakie World War II Veterans Memorial Fremont Hotel Geology of the Wind River Canyon Gold Flakes to Yellowcake Historic Mine Trail Gold Flakes to Yellowcake Historic Mine Trail Gold Flakes to Yellowcake Historic Mine Trail How a Stamp Mill Works I.O.O.F. Building Ice Slough IOOF Building - Golden Rule Store Jeffrey City Killed Here By Indians Lander Cut-Off on the Oregon Trail Lander Hotel Lander Valley Historical Sites Lander's Mill Local Colour M.N Baldwin Co. Main Street Meadows in the Sage Miners Delight: The Boom’s Broken Promises Miner’s Delight Mrs. Maggie Richards and Mrs. Hall Narcissa Prentiss Whitman Noble Hotel Noble Lane Building Old Oregon Trail Oregon Buttes Oregon Trail Pacific Springs Palace Pharmacy, Albany Hotel, US Post Office Pony Express Popo Agie Power Red Canyon Red Canyon Wildlife Habitat Management Area Resources Road through a Pass Rock Creek Rocky Ridge Sacajawea Sacajawea Sacajawea Cemetery Sinks Canyon Sinks Canyon - Corridor to the Winds Site of Fort Augur Site of Fort McGraw Site of Fort Thompson or Camp Magraw Site of Original Boysen Dam Sixth Crossing South Pass South Pass South Pass South Pass and South Pass City South Pass City South Pass City: Wyoming’s Biggest Gold Boom and Bust Split Rock Split Rock Split Rock Meadows Sweetwater Station Sweetwater Willows The Atlantic City Project The Carissa Mine: Cycle of Boom and Bust The Corridor West The Fur Trade The Oregon Trail The Ramshorn The Rendezvous The Right Rev. George Maxwell Randall, D.D. The Rise of the Sinks The Riverton Project The Shoshone-Episcopal Mission Boarding School The Sweetwater Valley The Way West Three Waters Mountain Tie Hack Memorial Trails to Opportunity Trappers, Traders and Explorers Union Pass Union Pass Washakie Wild Horses Willie Rescue Site Willie’s Handcart Company Wind River Canyon Wind River Range Women of Sixth Crossing World War II Wyoming Winds "The Sinks" “Wild Sheep and Wild Fire”