Historical Markers in Kane County, Utah
A Tragedy
Adrian Booth
Andrew Prine
Anthony Quinn
Audie Murphy
Ava Gardner & Howard Keel
Ben Cooper
Ben Johnson
Bob Hoy
Bowman-Chamberlain House
Brian Keith
Bruce Boxleitner
Buck Taylor
Cemetery at Orderville
Charlton Heston
Chauncey "Chance" Parry
Clint Eastwood
Clint Walker
Coleen Gray
Dale Evans
Dale Robertson
Dan Duryea
Dan Haggerty
Daniel Boone
Dean Smith
Dennis Weaver
Denny Miller
Dick Jones
Don Collier
Don Knotts
Don Shanks
Dub Taylor
Earl Bellamy
Edward Faulkner
Exploration and Colonization
Fay Hamblin
Forrest Tucker
Fort Kanab
George "Gabby" Hayes
Glendale Orientation Center
Glenn Ford
Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
Gregg Palmer
Gregory Peck
Gronway "Gron" Parry
Honeymoon Trail
Howard W. Koch
Isaac Behunin
Israel and Charlotte Cox Heaton
Jack Elam
Jack Nicholson and Will Hutchins
Jackie Hamblin Rife
Jacob Hamblin
James Drury
James Garner
James Hampton
Jim Davis
Joel McCrea
John Ford
John Smith
John Wayne
Johnny Western
Kanab Forts
Kanab Library
Kanab Public Square
Kanab's All-Women Council and Mayor
Ken Curtis
L. Q. Jones
Linda Darnell
Lisa Montell
Marty Robbins
Maureen O'Hara
Morgan Woodward
Neil Summers
Old Rock Schoolhouse
Orderville Bell
Paria Movie Set and Pahreah Town Site
Paul Petersen
Peggie Castle
Penny Edwards
People of the Land
Peter Brown
Peter Ford
Powell Survey
Randolph Scott
Ray Milland and Helena Carter
Richard Boone
Robert Fuller
Robert Horton
Robert Taylor
Rod Cameron
Ronald Reagan
Roydon Clark
Settlement of Long Valley and Mt. Carmel / Dr. Priddy Meeks
Sidney Poitier
Ted Markland
Tex Ritter
The Academy
The Academy Bell
The Academy Bell
The Berry Family
The Historic Dixie-Long Valley, Utah Pioneer Trail
The Kanab Chapel
The Lone Ranger
The Proud Rebel
The Rat Pack
The Ward Hall
Tom Mix
Town of Alton
United Order Industries
United Order Woolen Mill
Virgil Riggs
Virginia Mayo
Whitney "Whit" Parry
William A. Wellman