Historical Marker
Zion Lutheran Church Cemetery
Historical marker location:
FM 1063, CR 425, Thrall, Texas
( From Thrall, E on US 79 to FM 1063, then N on CR 425, then W 0.2 mi.)
Marker installed: 2003
Established in 1882 by German, Austrian, Swiss and French settlers, the community of Sandoval developed near Turkey Creek. In March 1893, residents founded Zion Lutheran Church, with the Rev. J. Rode as the first pastor. Church members established this cemetery across the road from their first church building. The earliest documented burial took place in 1897. The congregation moved into a sanctuary adjacent to the burial ground in 1932. Today, the cemetery remains surrounded by churchyard and farmland, and it continues to serve members of Zion Lutheran Church.
Historic Texas Cemetery - 2004.