Historical Marker
Weir Community Cemetery
Historical marker location:
CR 120, Weir, Texas
( on County Road 120, about 1 mile south of the town of Weir, and 1.3 miles north of State Highway 29)
Marker installed: 2002
Weir Community Cemetery
John Breneke (1847-1927) came from Fayette County to purchase 365 acres of farmland here in 1875. Deed records show he set aside two acres for a graveyard, perhaps upon the death of his sister-in-law,
Susie B. Kemper (1868-1889), who died in childbirth; her grave is the earliest dated burial in the cemetery. Breneke, a Confederate veteran, is one of many soldiers buried here. The estate of Leola Hugg (1898-1975) added one acre to this site in 1978. This burial ground records the heritage of the area formerly known as Towns' Mill, Townsville, Prairie Springs and Buffalo Springs.
Historic Texas Cemetery-2002
To be incised on the back: