Historical Marker

Site of New Bern Church, School, and Cemetery

Historical marker location:
5 mi. NE on FM 619, then 4.5 mi. E on CR 414, Taylor, Texas
( CR 414 east of CR 421, approx. 5 miles northeast of Taylor off FM 619)
Marker installed: 1993

Swiss and German immigrants who settled here in the early 1890s named their settlement for Bern, Switzerland. In 1892 the newly organized St. John Lutheran Church built a sanctuary which also housed the New Bern School here on 2.5 acres donated by Daniel Murphy. The New Bern Cemetery (0.1 mi.E of this site) was established in 1895 on 3 acres acquired from Friedrich and Anna Stauffer. Though a new church building (1912) and schoolhouse (1920) were moved to the nearby community of Wuthrich Hill in 1949 the cemetery continues to serve the community.