Historical Marker

First Baptist Church

Historical marker location:
300 N. Robinson St., Taylor, Texas
( NE corner of third and Robinson St.)
Marker installed: 2012

In 1883, young black evangelist Dr. L. Benjamin Toliver held a tent revival in a grassy field at this site. In 1886, Dr. Toliver officially organized Mt. Aria Baptist Church. Work on a permanent sanctuary began that year and was completed in 1904. The first two seated pastors, the Rev. A. L. Boone and Dr. L. K. Williams, were later secretary and president, respectively, of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. Notable deacons include legendary rodeo bulldogger Bill Pickett, and Samuel Houston “Papa” Hennington, Sr., who served for 64 years. In 1940, Rev. L. E. Brown led remodeling of the sanctuary and a name change to First Baptist Church. The church has experienced untold blessings from God and spiritually served many of his faithful disciples.