Historical Marker
Mobeetie United Methodist Church
Historical marker location:
300 Wheeler St, Mobeetie, Texas
( 300 Wheeler Street)
Marker installed: 2006
Mobeetie developed from a buffalo hunters camp established in 1874 and Fort Elliott, which opened in 1875. Methodists Peter Gravis and J.T. Hosmer preached in the town in 1881, and by 1884, Mobeetie had a mission Methodist congregation. An 1898 tornado destroyed the sanctuary and most other buildings in town. In 1905, the community erected a shared Union Church building later bought by the Methodist congregation. The town moved closer to the railroad in the late 1920s. In 1930, church members built a basement in New Mobeetie and moved their worship services there. They built the present sanctuary in 1947, and the church continues to serve as an area spiritual center. (2006).