Historical Marker

The Ramón Family

Historical marker location:
908 Grant St., Laredo, Texas
( 908 Grant St.)
Marker installed: 2002

The Ramón Family

Engaged in much of Laredo's early history, the Ramón family occupied residential property at this site by 1869. Patriarch of the family was Ildefonso Ramón, who was in the Laredo area by 1800 and served as Alcalde for several terms. His son, José María Ramón, followed his father's political career, serving as Alcalde during periods of tension along the border as the result of disputes over the boundary and the short-lived Republic of the Rio Grande. The third-generation family member to live in Laredo was Martín Ramón, who took over the family's ranching interests and served in the Confederate Cavalry with his noted cousins, the Benavides brothers, in defense of the Laredo area.
