Historical Marker

Germania Mutual Aid Association

Historical marker location:
Brenham, Texas
( 507 E. US 290 (on W bound side) in front of Germania Insurance, Brenham.)
Marker installed: 1994

In 1894 Bartlett, Texas, merchant L. A. Niebuhr presented Waco attorney E. W. Hander with a plan to establish a farm mutual aid association to provide farmers insurance against losses due to fire, lightning, and storms. Hander initially dismissed Niebuhr's plan but in 1896 he agreed to draw up a constitution for the association.

The organization of the Germania Mutual Aid Association took place in a schoolhouse in Perry, Texas, on August 31, 1896, with 34 members. Businessman Otto Rau was chosen president; Hander, vice president; and Niebuhr, secretary. By early 1897 the association consisted of 116 members and seven local chapters. Niebuhr moved to Brenham and established the association's office in a building on his property in 1898. The association, which had grown to 160 local chapters insuring 9,349 members by 1926, erected a new office building in 1927.

Insurance coverage for hail hazards was added in 1934, gas explosions in 1938, theft in 1867, and vandalism in 1970. Stock companies were organized in 1979 and 1983 to write liability and life insurance.

The association's name was changed to Germania Farm Mutual Aid Association in 1960 and Germania Farm Mutual Insurance Association in 1982. By the end of 1994 the association's membership stood at 144,918.