Historical Marker

Marvin Chapel Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Van, Texas
( 0.5 mi. S of Van on FM 314, then 1 mi. W on FM 1995)
Marker installed: 1993

This cemetery traces its origin to the Marvin Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church, South, established here (in the pioneer community of Owlet Green) in the 1860s. The first recorded burial was that of Nannie E. Graham in 1872. However, deed records and unmarked grave sites in its oldest section suggest prior burials. In 1884, Amplias Smith donated 3 acres for cemetery use. William and J. E. Rose donated one acre to the Marvin Chapel Church in 1885 which was later added to the cemetery. Interred here are area pioneers and veterans of conflicts from the Mexican War to Vietnam. (1993).