Historical Marker
Site of Vinegarroon
Historical marker location:
US 90, Langtry, Texas
( 10 mi E of Langtry in roadside park on US 90 right-of-way, 4.6 mi. W of the Pecos River bridge)
Marker installed: 2001
Crossing the Pecos River Canyon was the last major obstacle in the Souther Pacific Railroad faced in completing its southern transcontinental route linking New Orleans and San Francisco. At "Tunnel No. 2" was excavated on the west side of the canyon in 1882, a camp for the railroad workers was established near the site. Named Vinegarroon for a type of scorpion found in the area, the camp served as a temporary home for thousands of primarily Chinese laborers. Roy Bean had a saloon and served as Justice of the Peace in Vinegarroon until it was abandoned after the rail line was complete in 1883. (2001).