Historical Marker

Glenwood Cemetery

Historical marker location:
W 4th, Kenley St, Groveton, Texas
( SE end of cemetery is at intersection of W 4th and Kenley St.)
Marker installed: 2005

The Glenwood Cemetery has served the residents of Groveton for more than 100 years. The Trinity County Lumber Company established the town of Groveton by the spring of 1882. In the fall of that year, the town became the seat of government for Trinity County. Groveton grew swiftly, and residents soon needed a place for burials. The lumber company met this need in 1896 by deeding 10 acres for use as a cemetery. Virgin timber from the cemetery site was harvested and used in construction of the state capitol in Austin during the 1880s.

The first interment here dates to 1885, prior to the date of deed. Among those buried here are community leaders and veterans of military conflicts dating to the Civil War.

The Groveton Cemetery Association, later known as the Glenwood Cemetery Association, organized in 1896 to maintain the burial ground. Additionally, a non-profit corporation, a trust fund and individual contributions provide for the care of the site. The cemetery remains a vital link to Groveton’s past.

Historic Texas Cemetery – 2006.