Historical Marker

St. Mary Missionary Baptist Church

Marker installed: 2013

In the early twentieth century, African American workers in the Pflugerville Cotton Industry were not allowed to buy property in town. In 1910, La Rue Noton, a farmer who owned around 1,200 acres west of Pflugerville, set aside an acre and sold lots to the workers for fifty dollars each. The settlement was recorded in county records as Pflugerville’s colored addition. In 1909, Reverend Square Roberts held church services under a brush arbor on the Fritz Pfluger Farm in the colored addition. A few months later, services were held in the schoolhouse. In January 1910, under Reverend Roberts’ leadership, a Baptist church was organized. In the first meeting, Sister Luella Henry suggested the name St. Mary Baptist Church and the motion carried.

During the early years of the newly established church, many pastors led the congregation. In 1914, a lot was purchased that would house the first church building. The building was completed from 1914 to 1916. During Reverend Nelson’s tenure in the late 1930s and early 1940s, the building was moved from the back lot to the front. Due to an increase in attendance, the church was remodeled and expanded. With an active Sunday school program, organization of the Baptist training union and a diversity fellowship with other area churches, St. Mary Missionary Baptist church has forged ties in the community. From humble beginnings and twenty members, this church has grown to over 400 members and has been a beacon of light in the community for over a century.