Historical Marker
Site of Tenth Street Methodist Church
Historical marker location:
208 E 10th Street, Austin, Texas
( Thomas J Rusk State Office Building 10th and Brazos)
Marker installed: 1979
Austin Methodists organized in 1840 and began in 1847 worshiping at Congress and 4th Street. This site was purchased in 1853 and a building was begun under the Rev. John W. Phillips (1821-1891). In 1883, the Rev. A. E. Goodwyn (1818-1902) led in the construction of a larger sanctuary. The congregation was known as “Central Church” and “Tenth Street Church”. In 1909 it officially changed to “First Methodist Church. Legislators and other government officials worshiped here. The congregation mpved in 1923 to a new building at Lavaca and 12th Street. (1979).