Historical Marker
Littig Cemetery
Historical marker location:
Manor, Texas
( 6 mi. E of Manor, .5 mi. S. on Bitting School Rd.)
Marker installed: 2010
The town of Littig was laid out in 1883 along the route of the Houston & Texas Central Railway on land donated by former slave Jackson Morrow, and was named for A.B. Littig, who surveyed the townsite. In 1891, Thomas B. and Mary E. Fowler sold two acres to trustees George Morrow, Alex Alexander and Andrew J. Campbell for the establishment of a cemetery at this location. The earliest marked burial is that of Abba Moore, who died in 1895. Many former slaves, including Jackson Morrow and members of his family, are buried at the site. Although the town’s population declined during the mid- 20th century, Littig Cemetery remains active, and serves as a reminder of an important Travis County freedmen’s town.