Historical Marker
Granger House and The Perch
Historical marker location:
805 West 16th Street, Austin, Texas
( 805 West 16th Street)
Marker installed: 2010
Austin architect Charles Granger (1913-1966) designed the two-story garage and apartment structure at the rear of this lot in 1938. “The Perch” features a stucco façade and a continuous band of unadorned steel windows, and is a rare austin example of residential international style architecture. Granger married Marjorie Dodge in 1946, and when an existing Victorian-era home was removed from the lot, granger designed a larger home for his growing family, which would eventually include four children. The midcentury modern house was completed ca. 1951 and incorporates a lower rear level built into a hillside. Exterior elements include a façade of unpainted corrugated asbestos panels and a glass rear elevation.