Historical Marker

Cornick Bungalows

Historical marker location:
902 N. Main St., San Angelo, Texas
( 902 N. Main St., at site of old hospital, San Angelo)
Marker installed: 1968

In 1907 Dr. Boyd Cornick built 30 cottages here as part of his pioneer efforts in treatment of tuberculosis. Having previously recovered from the often-fatal disease, Cornick found that rest, a dry, warm, climate, and proper diet were an effective cure.

These new methods replaced common treatments of the day, including hot cane juice, honey with wine, and arsenic. Patients came here from all over the U.S.

About 1910 Cornick drew up Texas' first sanitary code and later influenced the building of the first State Tuberculosis Sanitarium at Carlsbad, Texas. (1968).