Historical Marker
Vicinity of Indian Fight
Historical marker location:
Old Settlers Reunion Grounds, Vine and West St., Buffalo Gap, Texas
( Old Settlers Reunion grounds, corner of Vine & West Streets, Buffalo Gap)
Marker installed: 1968
On August 29, 1863, Indian riders (probably Comanches) coming north from Mason County, with stolen horses, were caught a mile east of Buffalo Gap by Lt. T. C. Wright and eleven state troopers. The outnumbered soldiers were forced to attack up a steep hill and the Indians, determined to keep the herd, fought stubbornly. Wright and his men - two with severe arrow wounds - finally gave up the unequal fight and the Indians escaped with the horses. A lone rider was sent under cover of night to Camp Colorado (45 miles southeast) to bring an ambulance for the wounded. (1968).