Historical Marker

Zion Missionary Baptist Church

Historical marker location:
4100 Horne St, Fort Worth, Texas
( 4100 Horne St)
Marker installed: 2006

Founded in 1919, this church has played an important role in the African American community of Lake Como in Fort Worth. The congregation erected this building in 1923, and that same year, the Rev. G. W. Burton began his long pastorate through 1966, years in which the church grew as a leader in the community. He was followed by the Rev. J. W. Briscoe, Sr., who served until 1992. Over the years, the congregation deeply affected the city through social, civic and public involvement. Members also contributed to the economy through Lake Como entrepreneurship. A spiritual leader in the Civil Rights era, the church today continues to play a vital spiritual role in the community. (2006).