Historical Marker
The 1865 Indian Creek Raid
Historical marker location:
On Morris - Dido - Newark Rd., Fort Worth, Texas
( From Fort Worth take US 81/287 northwest about 12 miles. Head northwest on FM 718 about 3.3 miles to Morris-Dido-Newark Road. Head South about 1.7 miles to marker.)
Marker installed: 1983
During the late 1850s Indians on the north Texas frontier became increasingly restive about continued white settlement on their lands. As a result, numerous attacks on Anglos occurred during the years form 1859 to 1875. One such incident took place in Sept. 1865 near this site when 15 mounted Indians attacked two Denton County residents by the names of Smith and Wright. Wright was killed, and Smith, wounded by an arrow, rode to Denton for help. Within a short time, Smith died from blood poisoning caused by his wound.