Historical Marker

John C. Collier Home

Marker installed: 1985

This structure was built in 1877 as a residence for the founder of Mansfield Male and Female College, John C. Collier (1834-1928). A native of South Carolina, Collier was distinguished educator and Presbyterian minister who in 1869 was asked to establish a school in Mansfield. The college operated from 1870 until 1887 and produced outstanding graduates and community leaders. Located west of the college, the home served also as a residence for female teachers and students.

From 1890 to 1909, the A.J. Dukes family owned the Collier house. They made some major alterations to the home, including the addition of Mansfield's first indoor bathroom. Occupants of the home from 1909 until 1944 were Dr. William B. and Sallie (Hodges) McKnight, both of whom had graduated from Mansfield Male and Female College. Dr. McKnight established a medical practice in Mansfield in 1895 and also served as physician for the Southern Pacific Railroad. The house was adapted as Mansfield first funeral home by T.E. "Ernie" Blessing in 1944.

Significant for its association with an early Texas educational institution and with several families of community leaders, the John C. Collier Home has remained a landmark in Mansfield. (1985).