Historical Marker

Estes Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Arlington Webb Britton Rd, Hanger Lowe Rd, Mansfield, Texas
( 6 mi E on 2017 Arlington-Webb Britton Road (CR 2017), N of Arlington-Webb Britton Rd and Hanger Lowe Rd intersection)
Marker installed: 2003

Estes Cemetery began as the burial ground for the family of Sarah and James Estes. By the middle of the 1850s, the Estes family had moved to Tarrant County. The two were Kentucky natives who married in Missouri. The earliest marked grave is for Sarah Estes, who passed away in 1857. During the next several years, additional members of the Estes family were interred in the burial ground. By 1867, the Estes family opened the cemetery to residents of the area who were not part of the family. During the 1880s, communities developed nearby and residents started to use the burial ground as well. These communities included Webb, Gertie and Britton. Veterans of military conflicts dating to the Civil War are also interred here.

A cemetery association cares for the burial ground, which features an arched entryway, vertical stones in its older area, interior fencing and a sloping landscape. The cemetery is still active, continuing to serve descendants of those buried in the cemetery, and it remains a memorial to early settlers of southeast Tarrant County.

Historic Texas Cemetery - 2003.