Historical Marker

Camp Bowie Boulevard

Historical marker location:
4100 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas
( Veterans Park, 4100 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth)
Marker installed: 1979

In 1917-18, this roadway was the main artery through Camp Bowie, a World War I training center. Narrow strips of asphalt paving flanked streetcar tracks that ran the length of the avenue, then called Arlington Heights Boulevard. After the war, business and residential development spread into this area. In 1919 the street was renamed Camp Bowie Boulevard. In 1927-28, like many of the major thoroughfares in Ft. Worth, it was paved with durable Thurber bricks. Today this street is a reminder of Ft. Worth's heritage and a source of pride to area residents.
