Historical Marker
John H. "Shorty" Brown Cemetery
Historical marker location:
US 190, San Saba, Texas
( From San Saba, take US 190 East about .25 mile (north side of road).)
Marker installed: 1980
After living for a time in Arkansas, John H. "Shorty" Brown (1817-1896), his wife Jane Ann, and some of their children came here. Brown helped found San Saba in 1854 and became a civic leader. Although San Saba County provided a graveyard, Brown and his wife deeded this plot near their home for a family burial ground. Jane Ann, who bore 17 of Brown's 21 children, was probably the first burial here about 1874. Brown's son and a son-in-law who were murdered are buried here along with other family members and friends.