Historical Marker

John Wiebel VFW Post 2932

Historical marker location:
620 W. Wheeler St., Aransas Pass, Texas
( Southeast corner of West Cleveland Blvd. and West Wheeler Ave.)
Marker installed: 2012

In 1899, the United States government passed a law establishing the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) as a fraternal organization to help veterans and their families. Influenced by the VFW, congress established veterans benefits in 1917 that included disability compensation, vocational rehabilitation, and insurance. The VFW post in Aransas Pass was first chartered on January 29, 1935 by World War I veterans that included W.M. Womack, Worth B. Howard, C.R. Roberts, Olin Newberry, Normal D. Sanford, Albert Tate, and Rivas S. Olivares.

In 1945, donations were raised for the construction of veterans memorial home. The veterans memorial building has withstood hurricanes, served as a relief shelter, a disaster center, FEMA headquarters, and a Red Cross distribution center. Post membership has included veterans from World War I and II; current membership includes Vietnam, and Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. Each member is decorated with the Cross of Malta which is the official insignia of the order. District Six Command is in charge of the VFW organization, but VFW national headquarters and the Department of Texas VFW also offers guidance. The VFW Ladies Auxiliary has helped veterans with community activities and aids in conducting meetings. The John Wiebel VFW post is a historical organization in San Patricio County that has influenced county history by serving the veterans and the surrounding community.