Historic Cemetery

Jessup Family Cemetery At Nichols Farm

Denning, Texas
Location: Jessup Cemetery SOURCE: McXie Whitton Martin.Rootsweb:Cemetery located on private property of the James Jessup Sharp farm. No longer easily accessible. Turn left at Denning in front of old Nichols' Grocery Store; go to the house on the hill. The cemetery is located about one quarter of a mile back of the house. Rootsweb. A Reference to Texas Cemetery Records, Parsons 1988Attempted site visit 5-27-05 MB w/ K Skillern. From US 96 W on SH 21 for 7.8 miles to intersection of FM 3154 to R at old Nichols Store, and CR 253 to left. Turn left on CR 253 across old concrete bridge then old wooden bridge about 0.5 mile to end of road. Entrance to Nichols Farm, large sign, on left. Query landowner. THC site visit MB 6-14-05 w/ K Skillern and Eunice Jessup. Ask permission and directions from landowner Eunice Jessup at 421 CR 253. Site is on high ridge at some distance to S of her home, about __ ft. from end of CR 253, across small creek. SEE USGS topo map for prior road access, homeplace [no longer access routedue to timber regrowth after logging]. Fenced, seasonally maintained. Site is approx 2,068 ft. S of current Jessup home on CR 253. Diversity of formal markers over time, large and small. Site and most markers in good condition. Landowner clears buffer around area. Obelisks, limestone markers with footstones, some commercial markers, one metal obelisk marker with glass plate information intact . Jessup Family Cemetery. Approx 0.10 acre. SA-C111. Denning, Tx area. GPS – USGS Denning. © RIP Survey, Texas Historical Commission.Low to medium risk, fenced and good condition, seasonally maintained by landowner, but in heavily wooded area, no longer in use, not on map.

Source: RIP Fields Table

To address the problem of cemetery destruction and to record as many cemeteries as possible, the Texas Historical Commission offers the Historic Texas Cemetery designation.

The Historic Texas Cemetery designation was developed in 1998 to help protect historic cemeteries by recording cemetery boundaries in county deed records to alert present and future owners of land adjacent to the cemetery of its existence. Every county in Texas has at least one cemetery designated as a Historic Texas Cemetery through this program. The HTC designation is the first step toward preservation of a historic cemetery.

A cemetery is eligible for designation if it is at least 50 years old and is deemed worthy of recognition for its historical associations. The very nature of a cemetery being a landmark of a family’s or community’s presence is considered to validate the criteria of historical associations. Any individual, organization, or agency may submit a request for designation.