Old Centerview Cemetery
Historical marker location:Sabine County is one of the oldest settlement areas in the state. The farming community of Centerview, which dates to the 1840s, supported a stagecoach station, post office, general store, church and school. There are at least a dozen unmarked or undated gravesites in this community cemetery, but the oldest marked grave dates to 1899 and the interment of a baby, Merle Taylor. Other burials include leaders of the community and generations of area families, as well as veterans of conflicts including the Civil War, World Wars I and II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Cemetery features include wooden markers, curbed plots and an elaborate arched entryway.
In 1968, Centerview Methodist Church conveyed this land to the newly formed Centerview Cemetery Association. Today, the association holds an annual workday for descendants of early Centerview residents, who come together to preserve their community's history.
Historic Texas Cemetery - 2003.