Historical Marker


Historical marker location:
FM 1677 via SH 153, about 10 mi NW of Winters, Winters, Texas
( from Winters, take SH 153 west about 3.5 miles then go north on FM 1677 about 6.5 miles)
Marker installed: 1969

Founded about 1899. Named for Wm. M. Pumphrey (1849-1937), early settler. A deacon of the Baptist church, he would put his organ in a wagon on weekends and take it, his wife and 11 children to attend services in Wingate.

In 1900, as the settlement grew, a one-room frame school was built and named New Hope, to embody the aspirations of the citizens. The community came to have a post office (1901-1912), several stores and 2 churches. It withstood tragedy in 1906 when 4 men were killed by lightning -- leaving more than 20 children orphans.