Historical Marker

New Haven Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Clarksville, Texas
( 2 mi. west on FM 2120 via SH 37 about 8 mi. north of Clarksville)
Marker installed: 1984

Acreage for a community church, school, and graveyard was given in 1859 by George M. Sargeant. The first burial in the cemetery was for George W. Rolston (d. 1859), a veteran of the War of 1812. Additional land for the New Haven Baptist Church and Cemetery was donated by John and Lillie (Doak) Jamison in 1898. Numerous pioneer families and war veterans are buried here, as is Dimple Dee, the infant daughter of W. W. and Katie Crockett, for whom the Dimple community is named. The historic cemetery continues to serve residents of the area.