Historical Marker

Bogata Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Bogata, Texas
( east side of N. Humphries St.)
Marker installed: 1976

William Humphries (1805-1880), an 1818 to mid-1820s pioneer in this area, returned in 1836 to settle permanently. In 1840 his 9-year-old daughter died and was buried near the line between his headright and that of Isaac Wilson. When a Wilson relative died, that burial was placed 100 feet away. Later, neighbors also buried their dead here. Lots were always free. The families deeded 4.53 acres for the cemetery in 1878. The pavilion was built about 1902; land has been added. In 1976 this historic site has over 1,200 graves on 11.60 acres, under care of Bogata Cemetery Association.