Historical Marker

Randall County World War II Memorial

Historical marker location:
19th St and 11th Ave., Canyon, Texas
( at entrance to Conner Park; 19th Street & 11th Avenue -Canyon)
Marker installed: 0

In memory of the men of Randall County, who gave their lives for their county in World War II.

Benjamin F. Beason, Rex H. Blankenship, Howard C. Brewster, Daniel A. Butler, Jimmie Carr, Charles O. Cheyne, Carl L. Drummond, Jack D. Farley, Forrest M. Faulkner, George Guest, Henry B. Hales, Jack Hand, Benino Hernandez, Fairy Hill, Robert K. Hunt, Albert Ross Hunter, Howard C. Hutchison, William E. Lockhart, Harold S. Lowe, Cecil McCoy, Durward A. Meadows, Doyle E. Neff, Carrol T. O'Donald, Lucius G. Penick, Aubrey J. Prichard, James C. Shepherd, Leon Oscar Smith Jr., Wilbur P. Wofford and James J. Wright.

Remember them ever with a grateful heart.